Chapter 8

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  Scar rubbed his eyes, Jellie pawed at Scar's chest realizing he was awake.He sat up moving Jellie off his chest, he stood up getting ready for the day.He walked out of the room Jellie trailing behind him, Scar looked around figuring that Doc wasn't there.After making sure of this he headed over to where Ren was.He walked over noticing that Ren was still asleep, Jellie slipped through the bars making her way over to Ren and laying at his side.Scar crouched down causing her to look at him,"Stay here Jellie I need to go do something," Jellie seemed happy to be told to do nothing but lay there.Scar set off, before leaving he saw his sword laying there but he decided to leave it.He walked through the forest looking around as twigs snapped beneath his feet.He stood at the edge of the forest gazing at the camp Ren, Grian, Impulse, and Iskall resided.He saw Mumbo talking to Grian, Mumbo had a worried look on his face and Grian looked upset, rightfully so thought Scar, he had lost his friend not knowing if he was dead or alive Doc had told him Grian was there when he and Ren fought making it so much worse.
Grian snapped his head to the side looking horrified at Scar, Grian staggered back causing Mumbo to look at Scar.They both stared at him before Grian stepped back once more getting ready to run,"Please! I just want to talk," Scar said putting his hands up and stepping forward.Grian looked at him,"Please, I mean no harm I just want to talk to you guys.I don't have a weapon." Mumbo looked at Scar and put a protective arm in front of Grian when Scar stepped forward telling Scar he had come far enough,"What to you have to say Scar," Mumbo said keeping his arm in front of Grian,"I wanted to say about Ren-"
"What about him!"
Grian interrupted, pushing Mumbo's arm down and stepping forward,"I wanted to tell you that he's okay, I'm making sure he isn't hurt,"
"If you really don't want him hurt then you should have stopped Doc!" Grian yelled
"Grian I would have if I knew,"
"Then why don't you leave! Why don't you walk out of there now!"
"If I did that there's no telling what Doc would do!"
The two stared at each other, Scar looked at Grian sympathetically.Grian turned around and walked back to is RV, shutting the door behind him.Mumbo looked at Scar,"I believe you Scar," Scar looked up at Mumbo who was taller than him,"I know you mean well, Grian just needs time," Mumbo walked over to Scar rapping his arms around Scar and hugging him.The two stayed there for a second before the tall man let go of Scar, tears ran down Scar's face as he smiled back at Mumbo,"I have to go, but thank you.Thank you for believing me." Scar smiled and the man once more before setting of back to area 77.

Grian woke up, the happiness from the previous night wore off leaving him to once more feel helpless and worried.He walked out to see Iskall and Mumbo talking to Impluse and False, Why is False here, and not Xisuma? Grian thought.Mumbo turned around and gestured for Grian to come over which he did,"Hey guys, what's going on?" Impulse looked at Grian and responded,
"False is honing to help us"
"Good, but what about Xisuma?"
"Well... he's not here,"
"What! How long will he be gone?"
"About the months" False chimed in
"Three months!"
False and Impulse looked at each other before False turned back to Grian and nodded a sympathetic look on her face,"I-I'm gonna head back to my RV," Grian turned to leave but as he was Impulse siad,"Me, False, and Iskall are going to go get some stuff together, is that okay with you?" Grian almost forgot, with Ren gone he was in charge, but he didn't want to be in charge he just wanted Ren to be okay,"Yeah, it's fine with me," he responded without turning around.He got into the RV shutting the door, his back to the door he slid down cupping his head in his hands, what if he's dead, what if it's my fault he thought.He heard a knock at the door, Grian regained his posture and opened the door.Mumbo stood there a worried look on his face,"Hey Grian, are you okay?" Grian sighed,"I honestly don't know anymore." Grian walked over and sat on his bed burying his head in his arms.Mumbo convinced Grian to go back outside for fresh air, the two stood outside Mumbo talking to Grian but he didn't say much back.Some time lasted before Grian got the feeling he was being watched, he looked to the side to see Scar looking on at them sympathetically.

  Ren woke up to Jellie biting at his hand, but to his surprise when he looked around Scar was nowhere to be seen.He thought about calling for him but if Scar wasn't here and Doc was Ren didn't want to draw attention to himself.He sat there for awhile petting Jellie waiting for Scar to return.After some time Ren heard a large mechanical door open, he stayed quiet though since it still could have been Doc,"Hey Ren," Scar said coming into sight,"Hello Scar," Ren smiled and Jellie ran over to Scar,
"I talked to Grian and Mumbo,"
"Mumbo? What did you say?"
"I told them you were you were okay, and I tried to apologize but Grian walked off,"
"Oh, well I'm sure he'll come around he just needs time,"
"That's What Mumbo said, he believed me,"
"That's good, I'm sorry you got caught in the crossfire of this,"
"It's okay,"
The two continued to talked for awhile,before they were cut off by the mechanical door opening once more.They both realized that it had to be Doc, Ren and Scar both stood up Ren staggered back into the corner on the small room and Scar jumped in front of the door.Doc walked up to Scar narrowing his eyes,"Scar, move." Scar looked him dead in the eyes anger grew inside him,"No."

Word count-1086

This took forever to write because I jumped into writing without a plan for this chapter and I had to do like 50 things while trying to write
But next chapter is going to be an important one so Just you wait

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