Chapter 7

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  Scar had been told to leave the area, he stood there for a second after leaving the room.He wished he hadn't left Ren.He walked completely out of Area 77, and set out to his village house.He walked in and was greeted by his cat, Jellie.Scar didn't want to leave Ren alone again, so he was going to stay in Area 77 for a while.He got his stuff together and went to leave again, but Jellie meowed from behind him.She looked at Scar, he sighed and picked her up,he didn't want to leave her alone too.He carried Jellie, along with his items back to area 77.He entered the heavily fortified area once more, placing his stuff in a small room.It was small, not designed for long time only consisting of a bed, a few chests, and a desk.He placed Jellie down and she jumped straight onto the bed.He walked out of the room shutting the door behind him.
  Scar walked through the hallway, he passed Doc as he went by.Doc didn't speak to him and Scar didn't either, but something caught his eye.He turned around looking at Doc, seeing blood on his white coat.Without ever speaking to Doc he started running done the hall.He found Ren lying on the ground,"REN! Ren are you okay!Ren please!" Scar dropped to his knees, shaking Ren slightly trying to get him to give him any sign that he was okay.Tears now forming in Scar's eyes, he noticed that Ren was still breathing.He sighed in relief and continued to try and wake Ren up to no avail.Scar sat with his back against the wall, he thought about confronting Doc but decided against it, Doc scared him he wasn't the man Scar used to know.

Impulse explained that Xisuma could help them, considering he was the admin he could fix all of this.... right? The others agreed it was their best bet, and Impulse set off to find him leaving Grian, Iskall, and Mumbo alone once more.
Grian sat there feeling miserable he felt as if it was his fault, he stood there helpless as Ren tried to protect him.This thought filled his head, the memories of the fight danced in his mind.Iskall and Mumbo tried to cheer him up but the feeling remained,"Hey, why don't we go back to the flower field," Iskall suggested.Finally Grian felt like maybe this would help,"Okay," he lifted his head to reply, Iskall smiled and the three set of.When they arrived Grian went off, he picked flowers and the thought of the fight finally escaped his mind.Iskall this time joined Grian instead of resting by a tree, Mumbo was happy to see that the two of them were no longer as upset.As in began getting dark Mumbo and Iskall decided it would be best if they returned considering Impulse should be back, so they set off making back to the camp.

Scar sat there for hours on end never falling sleep, his worry for Ren and his remorse for leaving him kept him awake.Eventually Ren woke up causing Scar to jump to him feet and run over to Ren, he hugged Ren,"I'm so, so sorry," tears ran down Scar's face as Ren sat there in shock,"S-Scar my shoulder," Ren said causing Scar to let go of him.Ren looked at Scar and smiled slightly,"It's okay, I know you meant well," Scar smiled back.The two sat for awhile talking Ren seemed to finally trust Scar again, this made Scar happy knowing Ren didn't hate him.Scar stood up causing Ren to look at him scared he was going to leave him alone again.Scar noticed this and quickly explained,"Don't worry I'll be back in a second," Scar walked out leaving Ren alone, Ren sat there feeling on edge looking around often.Scar returned about a minute later,"Don't worry Doc must have left," Scar said walking back over to Ren, Scar had his cat in his arms and brought her over at sat her down next to him.Jellie walked over to Ren and sniffed his hand, she looked up and narrowed her eyes clearly noticing Ren's ears.He reached out to pet her and she seemed to allow it, Scar and Ren once again began talking which they did for hours. Eventually Ren became tried and fell asleep, Scar left Ren and went to the small room he had been staying in and went to sleep.He sleep fine for the first time in 5 weeks, Ren believed him.

  Impulse walked around Xisuma's base, calling for X many times although he never answered.Impulse wasn't too worried considering he was probably out with a friend or in the shopping district.After thoroughly search X's base he set off once more.He looked for hours never finding X, eventually deciding to ask someone if they knew.He walked around the shopping district finally finding False,"Hey, False do you happen to know where X is?" False gave him the are you serious look,
"He told everyone he was going off to the end on important admin junk or something.Didn't you hear?"
"No I didn't, how long will he be gone?"
"He said about three months,"
"Yea, is everything okay? Why do you need him so bad?"
Impulse explained what had happened,"THAT BASTARD!" Impulse was surprised by False's reaction,"I'll help you save Ren," Impulse nodded If X wasn't there to help them, then False was the next best thing.

Word Count-954

I just remembered while writing this elytras exist,
So I wanna officially say elytras don't exist in this because it would mess up Ren's capture and some other things in the story so I'm just gonna get rid of them

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