Chapter 6

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!Blood And language warning!

Scar leaned against the wall, tears in his eyes.He looked back at Ren who lay unconscious, bars between the two.Guilt weighed heavy in his stomach.He turned away, sliding down the wall burying his head in his arms tears raced down his face.He sat there for hours slowly starting to drift off to sleep.Although before he could fall asleep coughing from behind him jolted him awake as he jumped up and turned around.

Ren slowly opened his eyes, he leaned against the wall his vision blurry.As he stood up a searing pain came from his shoulder, he dropped back to the ground gripping his shoulder and coughing into his sleeve.His vision had cleared slightly, enough for him to see blood where he had coughed.He looked up to see Scar looking at him, his face red and his hair messy.Ren looked around realizing where he was, memories of what had happened flood back to his mind.A sharp pain in his shoulder and Grian screaming and crying.Ren looked back at Scar, a concerned look was fixed on Scar's face,"Ren are you okay?" Scar asked opening the steel door and walking to Ren's side.Ren looked at the open door and tried to get to his feet but he dropped back to his knees clutching his injured shoulder.Scar looked surprised and worried.Ren pushed him away,
"Y-you where going to kill him!"
"Ren I..."
Scar looked at Ren, he looked guilty and upset.Tears once more beginning to run down his face,"R-Ren you know I wouldn't kill him," Ren looked at him anger bubbled in him,"Don't try and act like your worried about me, don't act like your innocent.If False hadn't saved Iskall, I have no doubt you would have killed him!" Scar staggered back in surprise.Ren tried once more to get to his feet this time succeeding, he leaned against the wall barely able to remain standing.Scar looked at Ren,"Ren I-" Scar was interrupted by footsteps getting closer.Ren staggered back almost falling as Doc entered the cell,"Scar you can go," Scar stayed put for a second looking horrified.Doc narrowed his eyes and gestured for Scar to leave.He looked at Ren before hesitantly nodded and walking away leaving Ren and Doc alone.
Ren stared at Doc as he watched Scar leaving waiting until he was out of sight before turning to Ren.Doc shut the door,"Now tell me, what's your plan." Ren looked him.He considering telling him the truth, that there really was no plan.Although he decided against it, if Doc believed him there would be no reason for Doc to keep him alive, but if Doc believed Ren had something to tell he would keep him alive to find out what it was.Doc repeated himself looking annoyed and mad.Ren looked at Doc, Staring at his cold eyes,"I ain't telling you shit!" Doc looked shocked and angry at Ren's response,"I'll repeat this one last time," Doc said, annoyance and anger identifiable in his voice,"What are you hiding,"
"I ain't telling you shit!" He repeated.
Doc sighed,"Didn't want it to come to this," Although a grin on his face betrayed him words.

Grian sat on his bed his knees pulled up to his chest and his head buried in his arms.He wore a white T-shirt since his sweater covered his injured arms.Bandages covered his arms from where sticks and stones had made deep cuts.Mumbo sat beside him his hand on his back looking sympathetically at his friend.Iskall sat at the table his head cupped in his hands.Mumbo had made tea that sat next to him, although it had gone cold from him not touching it.They sat in silence before Mumbo tried to break the tension to no avail.The door swung open and Impluse,"I got here as quick as I could, what happened!" Mumbo went to explain but Grian raised his head, tears ran down his face causing Impulse to become more worried.Grian explained often stopping to wipe tears from his face.When he finished he buried his head back in his arms, crying more then before Mumbo hugged him in a attempt to comfort his friend,"We're trying to find out what to do," Iskall stood up and walked over to his friend placing his hand on Grian's shoulder.They remained in silence for awhile before Impulse widened his eye and looked at the three,"I think I've got an idea!"

Ren kneeled down his hand on the ground blood dripped from his nose to the ground,"Ready to talk yet?" Doc asked looking annoyed.Ren didn't respond, he just stayed there trying to catch his breath.His arms shook as his shoulder stung, his head hurt and his body was sore.He dropped to the ground as his arms could no longer support his weight.
The metallic taste of blood reached his mouth as he coughed.He heard Doc sigh and walk out, Ren laid there blood running from his nose, shoulder, and arms struggling to stay conscious.He heard footsteps quickly approaching and the door swinging open.The person was speaking but Ren couldn't understand a word, everything slowly drifted away, the sound, the metallic taste of blood, the cold feeling of the floor, the pain, it all disappeared as he once more lost consciousness.

Word count-949

Sorry for hurting the child please don't murder me.
The plan to save Ren was originally gonna be Iskall, but I wanted Impulse to be less of just a background character
Sorry for this chapter taking awhile to get out I ran into a bit of writers block, but finally managed to sit down with a cup of tea and get this out.

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