Chapter 14

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Iskall and Grian walked along the outskirts of the forest, Iskall tried to talk to Grian many times but Grian only carried on walking in silence.Iskall didn't know what he could do for his friend, he hated seeing him this way.He look sympathetically at Grian,"Please Grian, talk to me, I can't help you if you don't talk to me," Grian kept his head down tears running down his face,"I don't need help, I'm perfectly fine on my own," he relied sounding almost mad,"Grian I-" Iskall was interrupted by laughter coming from behind him.He turned around to see someone standing there, they had long fluffy white hair tied into a small braid, half of his face was marked with black burn like scars and freckles dotted on the visible skin, he had deep purple eyes and wore a black and red hoodie.He walked over,"Did I catch you at a bad time," he said laughing slightly afterward, he began walking in circles around them,"I'll get straight to the point," Iskall looked back at Grian as Ex spoke.Grian staggered back looking completely terrified,"You're coming with me, so we can either do this the easy way or the hard way," he added.Iskall pulled out his sword, holding it in front of his chest.Ex sighed and grabbed his own sword,"Guess we're doing this the hard way," after saying this he quickly knocked Iskall onto the ground.He grabbed Grian by the neck of his sweater throwing him into a nearby tree, knocking him completely unconscious,"Grian!" Iskall called for his friend quickly getting back to his feet.Iskall tried to swing at him with his sword but was quickly stopped by him.Ex quickly pulled his sword away hitting Iskall on the side of his head with the handle of his sword.Iskall staggered back give Ex an opening to strike, he pinned Iskall against a tree.Ex tilted his head to the side slightly and smiled,
"Don't worry I'm not here for you, it's your friend that I came for,"
"What do you want with him!"
"It's not what I want, it's just what I was told to do,"
Ex threw Iskall to the ground, Iskall tried to stand up but fell back to the ground, defeated.Ex turned around walking back over to Grian who laid unconscious behind him.Iskall reached out his hand as his vision became blurry, the last thing he saw before blacking out was Ex putting his sword away.

Ex put away his sword, and glanced over his shoulder back at the man he just fought who now laid unconscious.Turning his attention back to who he came here for, he kneeled down looking at him.He tried to remember what his friend had called him, Grian he remembered.He decided not to waste much more time considering his friends would probably get worried after awhile.He set off back to Area 77 carrying Grian, he looked down at him feeling slightly sympathetic.Upon arriving he met Doc at the door,"I did what you asked."

"Where are Grian and Iskall?" Ren said urgently,"I think they went on a walk, why?" Ren looked worried,"Ex was leaving Area 77, we need to find them now!" Ren spoke with urgency.Impulse nodded, they got Scar and set off quickly in the direction Impulse saw them head off in.After awhile of looking they finally found Iskall, Scar ran over to him as Ren and Impulse followed close behind.Iskall sat there unconscious, Scar called his name and shook him slightly trying to get him to wake up.Eventually Iskall began to wake up,"Scar?" shortly after saying this his eyes jolted open,"Wheres Grian?" Impulse and Ren looked at each other,"We'll go look around, stay here," Ren said and Impulse and him set off.Iskall looked at Scar,"Scar, he said he came for Grian in specific, I don't know what he wanted with him," Iskall said.Scar became very worried thinking about what had happened to Ren,"It's going to be okay," Scar said this but he wasn't quite sure if he was trying to convince Iskall or himself.They waited for awhile before Impulse and Ren returned,"Anything?" Scar asked, Ren shook his head.Ren and Scar helped Iskall to his feet and they returned back to the camp.

  Grian jolted awake sitting up, he was breathing heavily as he looked around the room he was in.He recognized the room from when they recused Ren, he tried to stand up but felt back down to his knees.The back of his head hurt horribly, a voice coming from the other side of the bars startled him,"Look who finally decided to wake up," Grian caught sight of the white haired man that had thrown him against the tree.The man turned around to look a Grian,"Who are you?" Grian asked him,"Well, you can call me Ex," suddenly memories of what had happened flooded back to Grian's mind.He remembered Ex showing up, him getting thrown into a tree and Iskall calling his name, after that everything went black and now he was here.He became worried,"Where is Iskall, is he here to?" Grian asked, Ex looked at him confused for a second but then realized who he was talking about,"No, I was only meant to bring you here," Ex answered.Grian was relieved for a second but then became worried once more,
"What did you do to him?"
"Calm down, I just left him there,"
"What do you want from me?"
"Jeez you ask a lot of questions, I don't know I was only told to bring you here,"
Ex looked annoyed with Grian's questions, Grian was scared of him so he quickly shut up.Grian looked at his red sweater's selves which where torn at parts, other parts the were covered in dirt.Grian realized that he was stuck here.He pulled his knees to his chest, tears began to roll down his face.Ex looked at him awkwardly, Grian didn't know but he swore he saw a bit of sympathy in his eyes.Ex turned back around and leaned against the wall once more.

Word count-1023

Well, I hurt the bean and I feel bad

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