Chapter 21

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X, Angelica, Grian, and Iskall walked through the forest.Iskall talked to Angelica, X walked beside Grian,"So, Ex toldme you were his brother," Grian said.It caught X off guard,"Oh, y-yeah, it's a long story," the thought of his brother upset him.Grian noticed this and reframed from asking anymore questions.

  Scar watched as the four emerged from the forest.Grian ran ahead to greet Scar, blood covered the top of his red sweater.Scar thought back to when Ren looked much like that.Grian and Scar talked for a a little before he ran off to talk to Ren.Scar walked over to talk with X,"So, did you run into Doc?" X shook his head,"No but we did run into Ex," Scar had almost forgot about Ex,"How did that go?" X looked slightly uncomfortable talking about Ex causing Scar to regret bringing it up,"Well he tried to kill me but luckily Angelica was able to intervene," X said.Scar didn't bring up Ex anymore realizing that it was clearly a topic X didn't want to talk much about.

  Grian woke up at about one at night.He heard talking outside, he quietly made his way over to the window, he peered outside.To his relief he saw Scar sitting outside with someone he didn't recognize at first.On closer inspection he realized that the person Scar was talking to was X without his helmet on.

  Scar sat outside with X, he really had no clue what time it was but knew that it was well past midnight.X had his helmet of which was a rarity for him to do in front of people.He looked upset and Scar was worried for his friend,"X, are you okay?" Scar asked.X hesitated, he froze for a moment before talking,"I-I'm not sure," he responded.Scar looked sympathetically at his friend,"Do you want to talk about it?" Scar asked him.X stayed silent for a moment,"I guess," he answered.X took a breath,"I feel like it's my fault Ex is like this," X said.This answer surprised Scar,"Why?" Scar asked, X seemed lost in thought for a second before shaking the thought off and answering,"When we were little, my father killed our mother after figuring out that Ex was my half brother, and not his son, Ex watched the entire thing," Scar was taken a back for a second, he didn't think someone as friendly as X could have had such a dark background,"For years it was just me and him, we didn't have any family, the end council didn't care about the children on the streets, in their eyes if you weren't strong enough to take care of yourself then you would die," Scar regretted convincing X to talk about his childhood.Tears welled in Xisuma's eyes as he continue,"He had a friend, she was in the same situation as us, her parents died and she was left to fend for herself, I don't remember her well, but her and Ex were inseparable, I heard rumors of her starting a revolution against the end council but I'm not sure if it's true," he said.Scar was intrigued by his talk of the girl.
  Scar heard footsteps and jolted his head to the side.Grian walked over,"What are you doing up?" X asked him sounding like a worried father to one of the newest members,"Well I could ask you the same question," Grian shot back.X looked at him,"I'm going to bed now, you two should to," X stood up and Grian walked back to his van,"I'm gonna stay for a little," X nodded and walked away.
Scar stared up at the sky, thoughts ran through his head.He thought about what Ex had told him, the thought of someone betraying them made him uneasy.He wanted to believe Ren, that he was lying but he didn't know.He stared off at the trees, crickets chirped, he sighed and stood up.Scar turned to go back to his van but was quickly knocked off his feet and on to the ground.Scar tried to get up but was knocked back down.He turned to look at who was there but only saw a black figure.X must have heard the fighting because he came darting out.He froze for a second and the figure turned to look at him.X quickly armed himself and ran at the figure.They quickly disarmed X pinning his arm behind his back and throwing him to the ground.Before Scar could even stand up the figure had approached him again.He didn't have time to react, a sharp pain pierced his chest.He heard X yell for him and the figure leaned in and whispered to him,"Once a traitor, always a traitor," before darting off into the night again.Scar looked down, his shirt was covered in blood and his chest hurt worse then he could imagine.X ran over catching Scar before he completely collapsed onto the ground.Everything was blurry but he looked up to X who yells sound faint,"Scar, Scar!" Scar'a head fell back down.His vision became increasingly blurred as he noticed others gathering around.The sound around him faded as everything went black.He thought, was this really how he died?

Word count-922

Heyyyyy! I'm not dead! I'm sorry for the short chapter but I felt like I had to get it out considering how long I kept you guys waiting.
I hope no one is too mad at me for the long wait and/or the sins I've committed against the Scar fans

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