Chapter 12

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Scar stared horrified as the bright light slowly faded,"What is that?" Grian asked him,"He did it, whoever he wanted the help of, he got it," the others exchanged worried looks.Eventually the light was completely gone, Scar still stared never taking his eyes off the area it had been.Ren managed to convince Scar to try and sleep, he sat on the couch in Ren's van still staring out the window.Before he knew it the sun began to rise and he hadn't slept a wink, he sighed and stood up existing the van Jellie following behind him.Much to his surprise Grian was sitting outside tying a bundle of flowers in a crown like shape,"Oh, hello Grian," Grian was startled by Scar but laughed it off and greeted him back.Scar sat beside him,"So, what are you doing?" without responding he looked down at the newly finished flower crown and back at Scar.The look on his chaotic friend's face worried Scar, Grian smiled at quickly placed the crown on Scar's head and pulling away looking very proud of himself,"Why?" Scar asked smiling,"Because you're one of us," Grian replied still looking extremely proud.The two chatted for a before Iskall came over,"I see he got you too," Iskall said referring to the flower crown.Grian once more looked proud of himself, Iskall chuckled and joined them.He was going to bring up what happened the previous night but mention of Doc seemed to put Scar on edge so he decided against it.

1 week later

Scar looked at himself in the mirror, looking at the scars that ran across his face.He smiled, he finally knew he was on the right side.He ran his hands through his fluffy brown hair before going outside, Scar met up with the others for a meeting,"So, what are we going to do about Doc's new friend?" A familiar sense of dread returned to Scar as Iskall mentioned it.Impulse was the first to talk,"I feel like our best bet is still Xisuma, I could go off and try to find him," Ren looked over at Impulse,"No, we need you here Impulse, we only have three weeks until he is back, the last thing we need is for you to get lost in the end," Grian agreed and Impulse nodded.Iskall looked determined to figure out who the mysterious man was,"We need to know who this person is, it could be worst then we think, for all we know Doc could have had Herobrine show up," the thought of it being someone very dangerous worried Scar,"Iskall is right, we have no clue who we're dealing with," Grian agreed.The others nodded,"I can go check out the area to see if we can caught sight of him," Ren offered,"I'll go with him," Scar said worrying about Ren,"Okay we'll head off tomorrow."

Pacing back and forth he muttered the words to himself,"You'll regret it dear brother, you'll regret everything you did," he paused laughing for a second,"He will regret it all, I will take everything from him as he did to me," he stopped walking.He ran his hand along the side off his face and his eye, feeling the rough texture of the void burns and scar that ran along his left eye and part of the left side of his face.He looked down at his hands, his left hand was blackened by the same burn like scars.He smiled and lean against the wall, repeating the same word to himself,"Regret, regret, regret...

Grian sat outside waiting for Iskall join him so they could meet with Mumbo for a Architect meeting.Iskall finally walked out of his RV tying the tie to his suit, Grian rolled his eyes,"Come on dude, Mumbo is going to be there before us at this rate,"Iskall finished and him and Grian set off.As expected, they arrived a long while before Mumbo.When he finally arrived they didn't really talk about Sahara, instead Mumbo asked many questions about the war.Mumbo was extremely happy when Grian brought up what happened between him and Scar,"I'm so glad he got out of there." After a while of barely talking about Sahara they ended the meeting.Mumbo returned back to the camp with them so he could speak to Scar.When they arrived Mumbo stopped Scar talking to Ren and immediately walked over pulling Scar into a hug.Scar looked surprised,"Mumbo, you're kinda crushing me," he said, Mumbo let go of him but kept his hands on his shoulders looking at him like a proud father,"Scar, you are an amazing person, you saved Grian's life at the risk of your own," Mumbo and Scar smiled at each other.

Xisuma walked back into the his room, falling onto the bed and sighing.He had spent all day at a council meeting that many admins of large servers had to attend.He walked into the bathroom and took his helmet setting it down.He looked at the mirror fixing his short, dark brown, curly hair, his face was covered in freckles and his eyes were a deep purple.A scar ran across the bridge of his nose.He splashed water onto his face and walked back out into his room, X went over to a desk in the corner of the room.On it sat a helmet similar to his own but a dark red in coloration and very cracked.He ran his ran his hand along the side of the helmet, he looked at it with great sadness before sighing and go over to sit on his bed.He felt as if there was something horrible happening, as the admin of HermitCraft he could usually tell if there was trouble, but he was not allowed to leave the capital end city for another three weeks.He took off his armor replacing it with a dark purple hoodie and sweatpants.Falling back down onto his bed he covered his face, X was extremely worried, not many times has he had this feeling without something bad having happened.

Word count-1049

I was really excited to write in Xisuma's perspective considering he is one of my favorite hermits, I'm sure you guys know by now who came out of that portal, but I'm still gonna wait til next chapter to tell you for sure

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