Chapter 15

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Ex leaned against the wall feeling slightly awkward,"Your name is Grian right?" he turned back around to look at him.Grian looked at him surprised,"Y-yes," he choked out through sobs,"Well Grian, I'm sorry for throwing you into a tree and almost murdering your friend," Grian was confused, this didn't seem like the mentally deranged person that had attacked him and Iskall.Part him wanted to say it's okay but that would be a lie, so he simply nodded.Ex looked at him awkwardly not really knowing what to say next.Footsteps behind him caught his attention, he turned around to see Doc walking over,"Ex you are dismissed," Ex looked back at Grian who now had a horrified look on his face before nodded and leaving the room.
Ex walked out of the building and looked around realizing he had nothing to do.He decided to head off into the forest, after walking for awhile he became increasingly bored.He suddenly heard scuffling in the bushes to the side of him, he pulled his sword holding it in front of his chest almost hoping for a fight.Although instead of someone he considered an enemy, a snowy white dog ran out.It barked a few times and ran over to him, he smiled and crouched down to pet it.Ex had always had a soft spot for animals, the dog sat down happily as he pet it's head.He tried to think of something to name the stray dog, it suddenly hit him.Ever since he was young he always dreamed of owning a dragon, his father used to tell him stories of the ender dragon.Although the fluffy creature that sat in front of him was no dragon, he still thought it would be fitting,"I'll call you Dragon," the fluffy white dog barked as if in response.Ex stood up petting the dog's head one more time before starting to walk back.To his surprise Dragon followed behind him, it followed him the rest of they way back to Area 77 and even following him inside.
Ex decided it would be best to find Doc, he set off back to where he was before Dragon trailing behind him.When he arrived Doc was no longer there, Dragon ran in front of him and Ex followed.Dragon up his ears down and whimpered, Ex went to see why.He was surprised by what had caused Dragon too become upset, Grian laid on the floor unconscious blood running from his nose and mouth.Ex looked at him,"Damn, and I thought what I did was bad," a few seconds after saying this Grian began to wake up.He looked up a Ex,"So, you're not dead," Ex commented, Grian looked at Ex and then at Dragon confused.Ex felt slightly sympathetic, he opened the door and walked over to Grian.Grian looked scared for a second, but just looked surprised and confused when Ex held out his hand,"I can help you, do you trust me?"

Xisuma paced around his room, he became increasingly worried about his server.The thought of someone tampering with important settings made him extremely uncomfortable.It didn't help that he was having nightmares, almost every night he would see one of the newest members of the server, Grian laying on the ground bloody, Iskall unconscious beside him, and his brother.His brother stood there laughing, X had seen visions of future events of the server while in The End before.He was worried that this was one of those times, he took off his helmet and set it on his desk.He walked into the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face trying to clear his mind.X suddenly heard a knock on the door, he went and grabbed his helmet putting it on.He answered the door, a familiar tall man stood at the door,"Mr.Void, a council member augured to allow you to return to your server.She was unsuccessful in convincing them to allow you to make a full return but your time has been shortened to two weeks." He spoke,"Tell the member she has my deepest thanks," the man nodded and set off.Xisuma took his helmet back off,"Two more weeks, two more weeks and I'm back."

  Grian looked at Ex's outstretched hand,"You threw me into a tree and almost killed my best friend, I'm far from trusting you," Grian narrowed his eyes and Ex looked at him awkwardly,"Let me rephrase that, do you not want to die here?" Ex looked genuine and Grian didn't really have a choice.Grian sighed and took Ex's hand, to his surprise Ex had a genuine smile on his face.Ex pulled Grian to his feet, Grian smiled back at him.Although he was acting friendly Grian was still scared of him, the burn like marking that covered have his face and his snow white hair made it hard to see him as anything but an enemy.Regardless of this he knew his best bet to making it out of here was with Ex's help.Ex let go of Grian's hand and kneeled down to pet his dog.It was once again that Grian noticed the snowy white dog,"What's it's name?" Grian asked, Ex looked up at Grian and replied,"Dragon," Grian smiled,"neat," Ex met his gaze and returned a smile.

  Scar outside his head cupped in his hands,
"He isn't dead, Iskall said that Ex came for him in specific.Why would they go through that if they wanted him dead?" Impulse said
"Looking for information no doubt, I didn't talk so they went for the second in command," Ren added
"Here's hoping it stays the way until X comes back-"
"Wait! We can't just leave him there while we wait until X shows up!" Iskall yelled
"Iskall, I don't like it anymore then you do but we can go in there with X!" Impulse argued
"So that's it? We leave him there, hoping he doesn't die!"
"Do you forget what happened last time Iskall? False died! She died Iskall!"
Impulse realized what he just said,"Iskall I'm sorry I-" Iskall stood up and turned around,"Save it," Iskall began walking back to his van.Impulse tried to follow after him but was stopped by Ren,"Give him time, survivor's guilt, it gets you after something like that," Impulse sighed.Scar stood up,"Impulse is right we can't lose anyone else," Scar said, Ren nodded.Impulse and Ren went back to their RVs, Scar went to return to his own.He turned around at the doorstep looking at Area 77,"Stay alive Grian, please."

Word count-1105

Sorry this took an little while to get out didn't know exactly what I wanted to do with this chapter

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