Chapter 20

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  X grabbed his shulkers full of items as he heard a knock on the door.He opened the door to see Angelica and Sage standing there with shulkers of their own.Sage smiled widely her tail flicking back and forth,"Ready?" X asked,"Yep,"the two girls said at the same time.X nodded and the three set off.
  They had been walking for a couple of hours.Sage asked many questions about servers while Angelica told her to stop bugging X, he didn't mains the questions though considering they broke the silence.He told her many things about HermitCraft and his friends, Angelica listened as he explained to Sage.X decided to ask Angelica some things,
"So, you said that they let you keep some of your council abilities. What did they let you keep?"
"Nothing big, I can't teleport anymore or enter servers at will. But I can still summon my familiar."
"You have a familiar?"
"Yep, would you like to see it?"
Sage watching and Angelica outstretched her hand and black smoke began to rise from her palm.X stared amazed as a canine like creature the size of a wolf formed.It looked at if it was made of a black mist or smoke, it had glowing white eyes,"That's really cool but very scary," Angelica smiled,"Yea we call him Apollo," Apollo looked at Angelica and tilted his head at the mention of his name.
X stoped as he saw the familiar obsidian pillars,"We're here," X said with a smile,"Yes!" Sage called racing forward.Angelica sighed and bolted after her, X walked down looking around as he moved.He walked up to the portal were Sage already stood looking at it in awe,"First time leaving the end?" She nodded.The three stepped into the portal.
X shook his head, the stone room surrounding the portal faded into view.Sage looked very disoriented, Angelica stood there smiling.X turned on the communicator on his wrist, he clicked a few things to open the admin menu.A holographic computer appeared in front of his for a second become flashing error messages and disappearing,"That's strange," Angelica said,"Yea," X agreed.He tried to open other things, it didn't let him do a single thing claiming he didn't have proper classification to access the settings.Suddenly realization hit him like a ton or bricks,
"I'm not the admin,"
"What?" Angelica looked worried,
"My admin was taken away,"
"Shouldn't only the council be able to do that?" Sage asked
"Yes but if a player gets there hands one the right items they can do it themselves," Angelica replied
"This couldn't have been Ex on his own, someone has to be helping him," Sage and Angelica looked confused and X realized that they had no clue who Ex was,"The banned player," he added and the two nodded.
They reached the surface,"Why is it so bright!" X turned back to look a Sage who was covering her eyes with her wing,"This is so different then The End," Sage added Angelica nodded.X looked around,"I saw images of my friends Iskall and Grian in dreams, we should go and check on them first.Angelica nodded and looked over at Sage who was now inspecting the grass.They went to the shopping district for where Grian's large base was visible, X walked up to the base door,"Grian!" he called for his friend with no response.X called for him again but was once more met with silence, he began to worry and Angelica looked at him concerned and Sage sat at the edge of the platform poking at the water curiously,"Xisuma?" X turned to see Mumbo standing there,"I thought you weren't coming back for another week, and who are your friends?" Mumbo looked at Angelica and Sage.X explained,"Mumbo, I need to know where Iskall and Grian are," Mumbo looked to the side,"I don't know enough to explain what happened," X stood there, so something bad had happened,"Go talk to Ren, he's by the village," X nodded and motioned for Angelica to follow him.
X looked at the village, many of the building were very tall from a build battle that had started shortly before he left.Sage looked curiously at everything.X looked around spotting a group of RVs in the distance,"That certainly looks like Ren."
X heard talking as he approached the group of vans.He stopped in his tracks as he heard a name he hoped to never hear again in their conversation,"Ex got the upper hand when we were fight, knocked me onto the ground in seconds," X walked around the corner.Ren stopped mid sentence as he saw X standing there, Ren sprung to his feet running over to him,
"X I- Iskall and Grian they-"
"Ren calm down, I can't understand you,"
"X, Iskall and Grian they're in danger,"
"What happened?"
Ren explained everything to X,"I... I can't believe it, why would Doc do something like that?" X said in a panic,"I don't know," Ren hung his head.Scar looked to the side off X to see Angelica and Sage standing there looking worried,"Who are they X?" X explained who Sage and Angelica were and the others greeted them.X looked to Angelica,"Would you help me save me friends?" Angelica nodded,"Okay we should go now," Ren looked to the others happily.
  Angelica and X stood outside the large mechanical door, X tried to figure out a way to get in, Angelica grabbed X's sword and jammed it straight into the control panel.The door loudly open and Angelica smiled and handed X his sword.They walked in,"I don't think anyone is here," X said looking around,"Think again brother dearest," X quickly turned around.Ex stood there and smile on his face,"Surprised to see me?" He walked up to X.Ex pulled his sword a X grabbed his just in time to block Ex's strike.X looked at his brother seeing nothing but pure hatred in his eyes,"I failed you," X said Ex laughed slightly,"Yeah, you did," as he said this a misty figure pinned Ex to the ground.X stared in surprise as Apollo stood there his jaws around Ex's neck pinned him to the ground.Angelica walked forward,"X? What should I do," X stared at his brother who laid on the ground unconscious from Apollo's attacks,"Leave him, I'm not going to kill him, he's my brother," Angelica nodded and called Apollo to her side.
"Grian, Iskall?" X called for his friends,"Xisuma?" He heard a voice ask from the over side of the room.He rushed over to see Iskall and Grian who looked overjoyed to see X.Once they were out Grian ran over to X throwing his arms around him in a hug while Iskall looked curiously at Angelica who stood there smiling.X once more explained why Angelica was there, Iskall nodded and smiled.

Word count-1172

Ah yes, the return of the king. Enjoy this entire chapter written in X's POV. And now that X is back expect a lot more Ex angst.

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