Chapter 19

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  Grian stood there watching as Ex walking out of view,"You trusted him?" Iskall asked in disbelief,"I- I don't know," Grian looked at the ground,"I guess I was being stupid," Iskall walked over to him placing his hand on Grian's shoulder.Grian turned around to face Iskall,
"What are you doing here alone?"
"Trying to save you," Iskall looked to the side awkwardly,
"It was stupid to try this alone, do the others know?"
"So you snuck out and almost got yourself killed? What on earth made you think that was a good idea,"
"Okay it seemed like a good idea at the time,"
Grian sighed and rolled his eyes, he walked to the corner and leaned against the wall,"So, what happened between you and Ex?" Iskall asked, Grian looked down,"He told me he would help me, he acted nice, and I guess I was being stupid," Iskall looked sympathetic at his friend, Grian always was one to trust far to easily.

Ex stepped into his room and threw his sword to the side.He walked to a desk positioned in the corner of the room and slammed his hand down onto the desk.Ex cupped his head in his hands, guilt overwhelming him,"You're just like me you know," Ex snapped around at the sound of a familiar voice he wish he could forget.A man dressed in a dark grey dress shirt and a tie stood there, coal black eyes and long brown hair,"Y-You're dead, I watched you die!" Ex yelled, the man grinned widely,"Am I dead? Or do you just tell yourself that?" Ex backed up tears now running down his face,"You're a monster Ex," the man taunted him,"Shut up!" The man laughed,"You are, you know it," Ex dropped to the ground tears running down his face,"Get out of my head!" He laughed again,"It's your fault, it's your fault your mother died," Ex sat on the floor, covering his face with his hands,"Void burns, who gave you those scars?" The man asked already knowing the answer,"My brother did, he did this to me," Ex said, standing up.He grabbed his sword,"This is his fault," Ex turned around attempting to swing his sword at the man but when he turned around he no longer saw the man.He was alone, he was always alone.He dropped his sword and fell back to the ground, his breathing became choppy and he whispered through sobs,"This is your fault, dear brother."

Ren met back up with Impulse,"Anything?" Ren asked, Impulse shook his head,"Nothing for me too," Scar added shaking his head.Ren sighed, he looked up to see the now rising sun,"Come on Scar, we should check the forest one more time," Scar nodded.
  Ren and Scar walked through the woods in almost complete silence,"He probably isn't here Ren," Scar said looking at Ren,"I know, but it's worth a try," Ren looked to the ground as he spoke.Ren continued walking, he heard a noise.Scar looked at him,"Why did you stop?" Scar asked, Ren turned around and walk a few steps.Scar was  very confused,"Show yourself!" Ren called.Scar stared at him, had he lost him mind.Almost as Scar finished this thought he saw a figure drop out of a tree in front of Ren,"Hello there,"Ex said.Ren stepped back, Ex grinned.Scar quickly pulled out his sword and held it in front of his chest, Ex looked to the side of Ren and saw Scar,"No need for weapons, I'm not here to fight," Scar didn't lowered his blade though which seemed to disappoint Ex.Ren narrowed his eyes,
"Where is Iskall,"
"Is you're talking about robot eye then he showed up last night tried to kill me,"
"What do you do?"
"Well let's say he and Grian are in the same position now,"
Ren looked furious at Ex who was now leaning against the tree he dropped out of with a smile on his face.Ren pulled out his sword and pointed it at Ex, Ex sighed,"I didn't want a fight," he took out his own sword.

Xisuma when through the stuff he had brought with him to the end.He was allowed to leave to make the long journey home tomorrow.The thought of being back filled his mind.He picked up the red and black helmet that had belonged to his brother looking at it sadly,"I'm sorry," he placed it in a shulker box.He glanced over at his own helmet that sat on the desk.He laid down on his bed, he didn't know what time is was.Was there even time in the end?He didn't care he was tired.

  Ren and Ex's blades clashed, Ex quickly disarmed Ren knocking him to the ground,"Well that was easy," Ren looked to the side and smiled.Ex went to look at what Ren was smiling at, but before he could turn around Scar had pinned Ex arm behind his back causing him to drop his sword.Scar held his sword to Ex's neck,"Shit, forgot he was there," Ex said to himself,"That was easy," Scar mimicked Ex's early celebration.Ren looked at Ex,"What would your brother think, he trusted you," Ren said, Ex laughed,"You think I care what he thinks?" Ex laughed again.Ren looked at him, he was completely insane that was clear.Ex grinned, he threw his head back hitting Scar square in the jaw.Scar staggered back and Ex picked up his sword,"Well, its been fun but I really must be going," he twirled his sword around as he spoke.Ex walked forward until his back was facing them,"Oh, and since you've been so very nice I'll tell you a little secret," Scar and Ren looked at each other confused,"You've got a traitor on your hands," Ren looked at Scar shocked.Scar stared on horrified,"Bye bye now," Ex said in a childish voice before walking away.
  Ren and Scar walked through the forest.Ren hung his head staying completely silent,"Ren please trust me, it's not me," Ren sighed,"I trust you Scar," Scar smiled although Ren still hung his head.Scar tried to make conversation,"He's completely insane, do we really know if he's telling the truth?" Ren chuckled slightly,"You're right he's probably just trying to get us to turn on each other," Ren still felt uneasy though, was someone betraying them?

Word count-1169

Hey guys sorry for the long wait between chapters, did the Ex angst make up for it? And I never clarified that the reason Grian and the other hippies talk about X coming back in a week when he's really coming back the next day is because they don't know he's coming back a week early if that confused anyone. I know I asked this before, but who's POV would you guys like to see more of? If you would tell me it would help greatly :)
Yes I forgot the word count and had to go back and edit it again

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