Chapter 11

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Grian closed his eyes tears running down his face, was this the end?A metallic thud caused Grian to open his eyes, Doc stood there eyes as wide as Keralis's, he had swung his sword down only for his blow to be blocked by Scar's sword.Doc snapped his head to the side to look at Scar,"What the hell are you doing!" Scar narrowed his eyes,"I'm not letting you hurt anyone else," Scar said firmly.Doc pulled his sword away still looking shocked, Scar held his sword in front of his chest preparing for a fight.Scar knew if they were to fight he wouldn't win, but he'd rather die then let him kill his friends.Although to Scar's surprise Doc lowered his sword to his side,"This isn't over," he said as he turned around and left.Scar watched til he was out of sight and turned his attention to Grian, he was sitting on the ground looking surprised.Scar held out his hand,"Are you okay," Grian took his hand at Scar pulled him off the ground,"Yeah, thanks to you," the two smiled at each other before Scar noticed Ren slowly standing up.He rushed over,"Ren! Are you okay?" Ren looked at Scar surprised,"Scar?" Ren looked at his friend in disbelief, Grian walked over explaining what Scar had done.Ren and Scar exchanged smiles,"It's good to have you back."
  Ren, Grian, and Scar sat outside in silence for away,"So Scar," Scar looked at him while Grian spoke,"What was it you needed to figure out?" As these words escaped Grian's mouth Scar realized that he never figured out who it was,"I- it's a long story," Scar said pushing it off as if it was nothing.It really wasn't a long story but the thought of it worried Scar and he would rather not talk about it,"We got all day," Ren said smiling at Scar.Scar sighed,"Well, Doc told me about someone, never used a name, he claimed this man could help him, with what I don't know I asked but Doc ignored me," Grian and Ren exchanged worried looks,"Do you have any idea on who it could be?" Ren said looking at his friend,"All I know is that he isn't a hermit," Scar looked to the side.A voice coming from behind the startled all of them,"Scar? What's going on?" He looked behind him to see Iskall looking extremely confused.Scar felt a familiar sense of regret as he saw Iskall, even with what Scar had just done Iskall still wouldn't trust him, wouldn't he.Grian stood up being the first to speak,"Scar just saved my life, Doc showed up and tried to kill me, if Scar hadn't stop him I would be dead," Iskall looked shocked but it quickly faded into a smile as he looked at Scar with gratitude in his eyes.Scar smiled back feeling very relieved that Iskall didn't hate his guts,"He also pretty much told Doc he's leaving so he's with us now," Ren added.
After some time Impulse showed up and was given the same explanation, Impulse reacted very well to the news that Scar was now on their side even hugging him.The five sat and talked, Grian and Ren explaining what Scar had told them about the mysterious man, but for the first time in what felt like forever Scar felt relief.He was with his friends not having to worry about them, although thinking about how much Doc had changed pained Scar.He shook of the thought continuing talking to the others.
They talked for hours, as it was starting to become dark something caught Scar's attention.He could barely hear it and it looked as if the others except for Ren who's dog like ears perked up didn't hear it at all.The tiny thumping of small foot step and rustling of bushes came for behind him, Scar stood up worrying about what was causing the noise.To his surprise a small grey and white cat came running out of the woods running over to him and rubbing against his leg,"Jellie?" Scar was confused on how she got out of area 77, the look on the others face proved they were too.Something worried Scar though and he didn't know what it was, he looked up at Area 77 his heart dropping at the sight of a bright purple glow.Scar staggered back as the glow became brighter and brighter, the others stared in horror too, he had done it.

Doc walked through the forest sticks scraped at his white coat as he pushed through bushes and past trees.He was forced to execute a plan he wasn't ready to do because of Scar's betrayal.He walked up to Area 77 entering the code into the newly fixed control panel he the door.He stepped inside the large building grabbing a shulker box full of supplies and exiting once more.Hours passed as Doc worked on a nether portal like structure, although the obsidian was cracked and was tinted dark red instead of purple.Small red crystals protruded from the obsidian like substance, it had a light red glow.The sun began to set as he got up and walked back over to the large building, He once more entered the code, as the mechanical door opened a small cat slipped out running off into the forest.Doc rolled his eyes as he thought of Scar,"Traitor," he whispered under his breath as he stepped into the building.He made his way other to a desk that had a metal box on top of it, he picked up the box twisting a handle and opening the small door.A shining purple light came from the box, a single crystal that emitted a purple glow sat inside.It was a dark purple in color and very shiny, Doc picked it up smiling as he twisted it around in his fingers.Walking out of the building once more with the crystal in hand he wandered back over to the red obsidian portal.A small dent was at the top, he placed to small crystal into the dent.The portal slowly began to glow a dark purple, it became so bright to a point Doc needed to shield his eyes slightly.The foot steps of heavy boots could be heard, the light began to dim and Doc uncovered his eyes.He smiled as he heard laughter and then a sigh,"Oh, it's good to be back."

Word count- 1083

So crawl on my belly til the sun goes down, I'll never wear your broken crown

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