Chapter 18

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Iskall climbed over the chain link fence into Area 77.He looked on at the large building, bad memories of False rushed into his mind but he quickly shook it off and continued forward.He stood at the door, Iskall grabbed the grey potion out of his inventory, he drank it and looked at his hands as they disappeared.He checked his arms and looked down at his legs to see nothing, the invisibility potion had worked.He looked around not knowing how he could get in without using the door considering it would make a world of noise.He looked around for a little regretting that he had drank to potion since it would only last for a couple of minutes.As he was looking around he heard the mechanical door open, he looked over to see Doc leaving Area 77.As the door was shutting he ran over sliding under the door, not think of how he would get out he turn around and watched the door shut before running off.
He remembered where to go from when they rescued Ren.Iskall ran into the room and skidded to a halt seeing Ex standing there.He heard Grian talking and Ex faced the cell, Ex turned his head in Iskall direction and looked shocked.Iskall looked down a his hands to see them fading back to visibility.Ex pulled his sword and Iskall realizing he would have to fight him pulled out his own,"Ex?," Grian questioned.Ex narrowed his eyes walking towards Iskall.

Ren woke up, he had heard something outside, he stood up and looked out his window.For some reason he had a feeling to go to make sure Iskall was there.Ren slowly opened his door and slid outside, he made his way over to Iskall's van carful to not make much noise not wanting to wake the others.He became worried seeing that the light in Iskall's van was on.He opened the door to see that Iskall was no where to be found.Worried and scared he ran out quickly rushing to Scar's van slamming the door open,"Scar!" Scar jumped up his hair a mess,"Ren it's the middle of the night, what's wrong?" Scar noticed the worried look on Ren's face and began to worry himself,"Iskall isn't here!" Scar jolted out of bed jumping to his feet,"He must have left to try and get into Area 77!" Scar quickly grabbed his sword,"We need to go see if we can get him before he gets himself killed!" Ren nodded and the two set off.
  They made it to the fence surrounding Area 77,"Can you see Iskall anywhere?" Scar asked,"No," Ren replied.The two looked around for awhile,"Looking for someone?" a voice came from behind them.Ren turned around,"Doc," Doc stood there a grin on his face,
"I assume you're here for your friend,"
"Where is Iskall?" Scar yelled
"Iskall?" Doc looked confused,"Have you lost it, it's Grian who's locked up,"
"Don't play dumb! Iskall isn't at camp and I'm sure it isn't just a coincidence!"
Doc rolled his eyes,"Well I guess you're wrong because we have nothing to do with him,"
Ren stood there not buying a word Doc said.Doc turned around,"Oh and Ren, I would watch Scar." Ren looked at Scar who stood there in shock,"Once a traitor always a traitor," with that Doc walked off.Ren wanted to chase him down but knew that it would be stupid,"Scar?" Scar looked at Ren,
"He's lying, right?"
"Of course he's lying Ren, I wouldn't betray you!"
Ren looked at the ground,"You're right, I trust you,"
Scar smiled, Ren looked back at Area 77,"Do you think he really has nothing to do with Iskall disappearing?" Ren asked,"I don't trust him but I don't think he would have a reason to lie about it, considering he gladly told us that he was holding Grian captive," Scar replied,"Maybe you're right."
  Scar and Ren returned to camp.Ren went over and knocked on Impulse's door, Impulse open the door looking tried and slightly annoyed,
"What is it?"
"We have a problem,"
Impulse looked alarmed,"What's wrong?"
"Well, Iskall isn't here,"
"Me and Scar ran to see if we could find him by Area 77,"
"Did you find him?"
"No but Doc found us, we questioned him about Iskall and he claimed no responsibility,"
"He's lying of course,"
"I don't know, he gladly told me and Ren that he was holding Grian captive,"
Impulse stepped outside,"We should go and try to look for him, see if he just went to the shopping district or something," Ren and Scar nodded and the three set off.

A metallic clang rang through the room, Iskall looked Ex in the eyes, his deep purple eyes glowing with focus.Iskall pulled his sword away and tried to strike Ex but was quickly stopped by Ex throwing his blade in front of Iskall's.The two clashed blades serval times Ex blocking everyone of Iskall's attacks.Ex swung his sword at Iskall, Iskall didn't pull away quick enough.The tip of Ex's blade cut into Iskall's shoulder, Iskall staggered back but quickly regained his composure.Iskall could hear Grian yelling, Ex looked behind him many times distracted by Grian's calls but never long enough for Iskall to be able to do anything.Ex stepped back Iskall swung his sword at him again, Ex narrowly blocked it.Ex continued to back up as the two fought, they got closer and closer to the wall.Iskall caught the handle of Ex's sword with his own knocking out of his hand.Ex staggered back again looking horrified, Iskall knocked him to the floor pointing the tip of his blade to Ex's chest.Iskall narrowed his eyes,"Iskall?" Iskall looked to the side to see Grian who looked shocked,"Iskall!" Ex kicked Iskall's sword out of his hand jumping up and catching out of the air.Iskall fell to the floor, Ex pointed Iskall's sword to his throat,"Stand up," Iskall got off the ground Ex kept the sword pointed at Iskall's throat.
  Iskall stood beside Grian in the cell.Ex turned his back to them,"Ex! I trusted you!" Grian yelled tears in his eyes.Iskall looked between the two,"I'm sorry," Grian stepped forward,"I thought you were going to help me!" Ex looked to the ground clutching his sword tighter,"Things change."

Word count-1095

Ah yes Ex angst, nothing better then some good old angst
Sorry about the larger gaps in between chapters I really have no excuse but lack of motivation, I'll try to get back to a normal update schedule :)

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