Chapter 17

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  "Yes! I win!" Ex yelled throwing his hands in the air,"No fair, I wanna rematch," Dragon titled his head at the two,"This was your rematch, your fifth rematch," Ex added, looking very proud of his win.Grian Smiled,"Well I want another one, I'll beat you this time," Ex chuckled,"Yea right," he rolled his eyes jokingly and returned to playing Uno with Grian.

  "Iskall please I-" Iskall stared at Scar looking furious,"I don't want to hear your excuses," Iskall slammed the door.Scar knocked on the door,"Iskall please! I only want to help!" Scar called for him for a while with no response.He stood outside Iskall's closed door, he felt a hand on his shoulder,"Give him time," Scar turned around to face Ren who looked just as worried as him.Scar looked to the side,"Ren, we need to get through to him what if he tries to save Grian and gets himself killed!" Ren looked at Scar,"It's going to be okay Scar, but you're right. I know who can help us."

Ren walked through the shopping district, coming across the large building that was home to Sahara.He stepped inside,"Mumbo?" Ren called, the suited man seemed to have been summoned like an almighty demon at the mention of his name, dropping from the upper level of the building covered in red stone dust,"Hey Ren, hows Iskall and Grian haven't seen them for a while." Mumbo smiled as he spoke.Ren looked at him with a look in his eye that wiped the smile of Mumbo's face,"I- Mumbo," he sighed,"Mumbo, Grian was captured, we don't know if he's okay.Iskall isn't talking to any of us, he flipped on Scar today.We really need you to try and talk to him Mumbo," Mumbo looked horrified as Ren explained what happened to his friends.Mumbo put his hand on his face shaking his head in disbelief for a second before looking back at Ren,"I'll go talk to him," Mumbo walked off without speaking again.

Iskall stared at the clock, he watched as the seconds ticked by.He wasn't going to leave Grian there, he couldn't.He paced around his van again, trying his best to ignore Impulse who was now at his door trying to talk to him. Eventually Impulse's voice stopped and was replaced by Mumbo,"Iskall please open the door, we need to talk," Iskall froze at the sound of Mumbo's voice.He hesitantly walked over and opened the door, Mumbo looked extremely concerned.He stepped inside closing the door behind him, Iskall remained silent,
"Iskall, what happened?"
"I couldn't help him, Grian he- it's my fault Mumbo,"
"No Iskall, it's not your fault, you didn't do anything wrong,"
"Mumbo I should have been able to help him!"
"You did everything you could, just please listen to the others,"
Mumbo smiled a placed his hand on on Iskall's shoulder.Mumbo turned around looking back at Iskall one more time before leaving him alone again.Iskall looked back at the clock,"I'm sorry Mumbo but I can't do that," he said to himself walking over to a small bag that laid on his desk.He took out a small glass bottle that had a thin grayish liquid inside that sparkled at the slightest bit of light.
The clock hit twelve, Iskall looked out his window and as he expected no one was out there.He grabbed his sword and slowly opened the door, careful not to make much noise he made his way into the forest.The bushes rustled as he walked , he turned around to face the camp,"I'm sorry," he whispered before turning back around and setting off.

Xisuma sat on his bed, he didn't know what to do.He was so worried about HermitCraft that he couldn't focus on anything else.X stood up and sighed, he put on his helmet and walked outside.The market area around the council building was crowded as many server admins had to attend the same meetings as X did.He walked through the market seeing many strange end items being sold.He wandered around his mind never quite leaving the topic of his brother,"Xisuma!" He heard a familiar voice calling him.X turned around to see Angelica racing towards him a greeting smile on her face followed by someone else.Angelica no longer wore the black and purple cloak but instead a purple sweater,"Hey X, I was going to come talk to you," Angelica didn't look worried or panicked like she did when they first met,"First I should introduce you to my girlfriend, Sage," Xisuma looked to see a girl with long black hair, darker skin, and glowing orange eyes.She had a small pair of horns that sat at the top of her head and a large pair of black and grey dragon like wings folded against her back.She wore a dark blue hoodie and jeans.Although she had a intimidating appearance she smiled sweetly,"Hello," X greeted her back.Angelica smiled and turned her attention back to X,
"I wanted to tell you that I was kicked off the council, they found out I told you,"
"I'm so sorry you loss you council position because of me,"
"Nah it's good, they were boring anyway and they let me keep some of the abilities I was given for being on the council,"
"Well if you ever need a place to go you're welcome to join HermitCraft, you and Sage,"
Angelica looked to Sage who smiled and nodded,"We think we'll take you up on that," X smiled,"You know where to find me, stop by at 12:00 Monday and you can return to HermitCraft with me," Angelica nodded and waved goodbye.

Word count-996

Sorry for the bit of a short chapter I'll make the next one longer
I've been struggling with who I should do more POV wise so I decided to ask you guys.If you would comment who you wanna see have more time in the book that would be a big help :)

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