Chapter 16

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It had been a week since Grian was captured, one long, boring, horrible week.Things had gotten better from the first two days, he and Ex talked, well Grian talked, Ex would sometimes answer Grian's questions or ask questions of his own.When asking questions Ex commonly brought up things about Xisuma, asking about when he would return, things that were oddly specific.Grian didn't think much of it considering X was the admin and Ex wasn't meant to be there, although he did wonder if they had any connection to one another.Grian sat at the corner of the cell,"Two more weeks," he muttered to himself,"What was that?" Ex heard him and turned around to face him,"Nothing," to Grian's surprise Ex didn't bug him any farther just nodded and turning back around.Grian sat there fiddling with the sleeves of his sweater, two more weeks, and X can fix all of this.

Xisuma stared out the window at the black emptiness that surrounded the end city.One more week, the dreams about his friends never stopped.Every night it became more and more clear, leading X to believe that if it was going to happen it was going to be soon.He once again heard a knock on the door, completely forgetting to put on his helmet he walked over and opened the door.A girl who looked to be in her 20s stood there looking very worried.She had long white hair which was normal for people born in the end, her face was covered in freckles and she had emerald green eyes.She wore a black hooded cloak with purple patterns at the bottom and end of the sleeves that cover her hands.She looked around looking very concerned,
"Are you Xisuma Void?"
"I'm Angelica Wyvern, I came to tell you something,"
She looked over her shoulder many times as she spoke as if she expected someone to attack her,"Please come in," X stepped to the side and she hesitantly stepped in.Noticing she was clearly worried about something outside he shut the door after she entered,
"Please sit down, I'll go make some tea,"
"No need I can't stay for long,"
"Okay, what is it you needed to tell me,"
"I'm the one who convinced the council to let you go back a week early, the council can't know I told you this or I might get kicked off but," she took a breath before continuing,"They know what's happening on your server, someone who you banned was let back onto the server.They didn't tell you because they didn't want you to try and leave." she looked around the room as she spoke.X understood why she was worried, going against the council was a dangerous thing to do.He looked at Angelica sympathetically,
"I'm sorry Mr.Void that I can't do anything farther,"
"You've already done so much, and please call me X,"
"Okay X, I have to go now,"
Xisuma nodded and Angelica exited.Once she was gone X began to panic, the dreams were real, his brother was back.

  Iskall paced around his van, he felt so horrible.He hadn't really talked to anyone for an entire week, he didn't want to.He felt so awful about what happens to Grian, he felt as if it was his fault.Iskall wanted to help Grian but the others wanted to wait for Xisuma to help them.Iskall was furious at the fact that they just wanted to wait, hoping that Grian would be okay.Iskall knew from what Ren had told them that Grian wasn't going to be okay, he knew Grian was in danger.Iskall leaned against the wall cupping his head in his hands,"I'm so, so sorry Grian, I should have been able to help you," he whispered to himself.
Iskall stood there for awhile before a voice and a knock on the door caused him to look up,"Iskall, it's Scar, can we talk?" Iskall walked over and opened the door,
"What do you want Scar,"
"Please Iskall I only want to talk,"
"You haven't spoken to any of us for days Iskall.Are you okay?"
"No scar, I'm not okay! Grian could very well be dead, and what are we doing about it? Waiting around for X to come save the day!"
Scar staggered back as Iskall yelled,"Iskall, I-I don't like it anymore then you do, but we can't lose anyone else, please Iskall," Iskall narrowed his eyes,"Of course you want to wait around, you don't give a shit want happens to him! How do we know you're even on our side? One act of common kindness and we all trust you? You forget what you did! You almost killed me! Now you're going wait until he dies!" Tears formed in Scar's eyes,"Iskall please I-" Iskall cut him off,"I don't want to hear your excuses," Iskall slammed the door in Scar's face.Iskall turned around, he heard Scar yelling for him to please listen to him but he ignored him.Iskall sat down, he felt bad for saying those things to Scar.He did trust him, but he didn't want to talk to him right now.

Grian sat up against the wall, he was extremely bored and didn't know what he really could do.Ex wasn't much of a conversationalist and didn't really talk to Grian unless it was to ask or answer a question,"So," Ex turned around to look at Grian,"Why do you always talk about Xisuma?" Ex looked at him,"He's my brother," Grian was surprised X never told us he had living family.Grian looked at Ex,"What happened between you two?" Ex paused for a second after Grian asked this,"Long story short, he betrayed me," Ex turned back around.Grian wanted to know more but the look on Ex's face scared him away from doing so.Grian was extremely confused, that didn't sound like X, X was always very kind and fatherly to everyone on the server.Grian felt sympathetic for Ex, the two had grown to kinda friends, he didn't scare Grian like he did before and he didn't act insane like he did the first time they met.Ex back against the bars that separated the two,"I'm sorry that happened," Grian said,"It's fine," Ex replied without looking at Grian.He felt awkward, he didn't mean to upset Ex which he clearly did.Ex sighed,"Do you wanna play UNO?" Grian jolted up,"Yes!"

Word count-1113

Sorry that this took awhile to get out, I'm currently planning a collab with some amazing writers and completely forgot that I still need to keep up with 'What Lays Beneath the Surface' so take some wholesome Ex and Grian playing UNO as an apology for the late chapter.

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