Chapter 13

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  Xisuma paced around his room, he wanted nothing more then to go back to HermitCraft.He hated the end, it brought back bad memories.The feeling that something bad had happened didn't help, he fell back into a desk chair cupping his head in his hands.He hadn't been in The End for this long since he left to admin HermitCraft, the constant darkest of The End made X upset.Not having seen sunlight for over two months X was become increasingly uncomfortable and stressed.A knock on the door broke his thought, he stood up and put his helmet on before answering it.A tall masked man stood at the door,"Mr.Void the council wants you to talk with them on account of recorded events on the HermitCraft sever," the man turned and left what events? Xisuma became even more worry, his suspicions had been correct something was going on.
  X arrived at a large building, as he walked down the entrance hall statues of previous council members looked down at him.He made his way into a large room, people sat higher up in the circular room.He looked at them even though they were too high above he took make out facial features,
"You requested my presence?"
"Yes, we wish to speak to you about recent events on the HermitCraft server," an older female member replied
"What type of events ma'am? Before I left everything was okay,"
"We recorded unauthorized change of things only you should be able to access,"
"Are you sure of what was changed?"
"No, we only were able to trace the fact the something was changed,"
"I request to return to my server and sort this out,"
"Request denied, you must remain here until the end of the council meetings.You are dismissed,"
Xisuma wanted to protest but knew it would get him nowhere, he instead simply bowed and exited the building.Upon his return to his room he took off his helmet setting on the desk.He sat back down in his desk chair, burying his head in his arms.Three more weeks, three more weeks until he could go back

  Scar woke up, he grabbed his sword and walked outside where he met up with Ren, Iskall, and Impulse.Ren and Scar planned to go and try to learn the identity of Doc's new ally.The two said goodbye setting off in the direction of Area 77, they carefully made their way to the fence of Area 77.Ren and Scar waited without anything happening for awhile, they were both nervous being around the area.Ren was extremely jumpy, being startled at the smallest noise.Eventually Ren and Scar heard the noise of the large mechanical door opening, Ren pulled his sword and held it in front of him.He noticed a figure walking out of the building.He looked on horrified, Ren recognize the figure,"Ex," he whispered under his breath.The white haired figure walked out of Area 77 and headed into the forest on the other side.Ren grabbed wrist,"We have to go, now!" Scar was extremely confusing and froze for a second Ren dragging him through the forest,"Wait, who is Ex?" Scar was now following behind Ren but he still didn't let go off his wrist,"Xisuma's brother, he went crazy one day and tried to kill X and he had to ban him, but some how he's back," Ren didn't speak again until they reached the camp.Ren let go of Scar's wrist and quickly walked over to Impulse, he turned around and knew by the look on Ren's face he wasn't carrying good new,"How bad?" Impulse asked,"Really bad, Ex is back," Impulse looked taken aback by this.Ren looked around the place,"Where are Grian and Iskall?"

  Ex sharpened his sword, the thought of his brother never leave his mind for a second.He placed his sword to the side, leaning it against the wall and standing up.A loud knock on his door caused him to turn around, he opened the door.Doc stood there a serious look on his face,"I need you to go do something," Ex backed away from door and lean against the wall as Doc spoke,"What is it?" he asked,"Go and find a boy in a red sweater with dirty blonde hair and bring him here," Doc glanced of at Ex's sword at back at him,"alive," Ex rolled his eyes and walked over to pick up his sword,"Can do," Doc turned around leaving.Ex grabbed his sword and left the building setting of into the forest.He was glad to finally leave Area 77 and actually do something exciting.

  After Ren and Scar left Iskall realized that he hadn't seen Grian all day.He walked over to Grian's van, he knocked but got no answer.He became worried at opening to door, Grian was sitting on his bed his knees pulled up to his chest and his head buried in his arms crying,"Grian!" Iskall ran over to his friend,"What's wrong?" Iskall looked at Grian concerned.Grian lifted his head,"This is all my fault Iskall, I started this stupid war and look what happened!" Iskall was taken aback by the almost angry look on Grian's face, but it quickly faded back into choppy sobs.Iskall put his hand on Grian's back,"Grian, this is not your fault, come on let's go on a small walk," without speaking Grian followed Iskall as the walked towards the village.

Word count-933

Sorry for the short chapter, I wanted it to end on a Iskall and Grian leaving the camp.
I'm sure most of you knew it was Ex, I made it a little too obvious

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