Chapter 9

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"Scar. Move," Scar was no more then a foot away from Doc.The two stared at one another,"No, I'm not making that mistake again," Doc pulled his sword, Scar went to but remember he left it at the entrance,
"Scar, just go," Ren said
"No Ren, I'm not leaving you here!"
"Scar! It's not worth it,"
"Ren I-"
"Just go,"
Scar hesitantly nodded and walked off.Doc put his sword away opening the door,"So are you gonna talk this time," Ren stared at the open door,"No, I don't think will," He jumped up quickly running pass Doc and out the door.Ren ran down the corridor not looking back, realization hit him like a ton of bricks he had no plan, no clue how to get out of here.He came across the door,"Damnit!" the door was shut.He looked around for anyway he could get out, he saw Scar's sword.He ran towards it grabbing it and plunging it into the control panel, luckily the door began opening.He slid under the door darting outside, Ren turned around just in time to block Doc's oncoming sword.Their blades clashed, Ren knew he had no chance of winning this battle so he block Doc's hits backing up waiting for a chance to run.He stepped back once more although this time he hit the metal fence, without anywhere to go he dropped Scar's sword raising his hands into the air.

Grian sat on his bed, tears ran down his face as he stared at a picture of him, Ren, Impulse, and Iskall.He traced the picture with his finger thinking of his captured friend.He placed the picture back onto his desk and laying back onto it bed.Grian laid there for awhile before he heard a knock at his door, he stood up walking over and opening the door.Mumbo stood at the door looking worried,"Grian are you okay? You kinda just took off," Mumbo put his hand on Grian's shoulder.Grian pushed away Mumbo's hand,"Am I okay! Am I okay! My friend is in danger and it's all my fault! So no Mumbo, I not okay!" Grian yelled, Mumbo staggered back in surprise.Grian collapsed to the ground crying, Mumbo crouched down placing his hand on Grian's back,
"Grian, it isn't your fault Ren is going to be okay, I trust Scar to-"
"Grian I-"
"You forget he tried to kill Iskall! You forget he held a sword to his throat!"
"Grian please listen to my reasons. He had many opportunities before that to kill Iskall and he didn't, and even back there, he could have easily killed me a second ago but he didn't.I told him I believed him and he cried, Grian he wants this about as much as we do."
Grian looked at Mumbo, he didn't want to believe that Scar wanted to hurt them but he couldn't trust him after what he did.Grian stood up,"Maybe you're right," Mumbo smiled and Grian flashed a small smile back before walking outside.He sat down and him and Mumbo waited until False, Impulse, and Iskall returned.
  When the three finally came back he and Mumbo had barely talked.He hated the tension but he didn't want to talk, the silence was finally broken by Iskall's excited voice,"We're back!" Grian stood up and went to greet his friends.Mumbo following behind him, False smiled,"Who's ready to go save Ren!" Grian and Iskall cheered and Mumbo and Impulse exchanged smiles,"Okay me, Impulse, and Iskall are going to head off soon," False said.Grian looked up at her,"Wait, can't I go, since it's kinda my fault he ended up there any way," Grian looked at the ground as he spoke.False looked at Grian sympathetically,"Grian it's not your fault, but if it makes you feel better you can come," Grian looked up and smiled at False who smiled back at him,"Well if Grian's gonna go with you guys then I'm gonna stay back," Impulse said.False looked over to him and nodded,"We should go, the sun is starting to set," Iskall and Grian nodded and the three set off.Mumbo and Impulse waved and wished them luck as they set off.
  They arrived at area 77, the three walked up to the door,"It's already open?" Iskall looked at the large mechanical door that was wide open.They walked in and Iskall walked over to examine the control panel, it was broken with a sword lodged in it,"Strange," Iskall commented,"Looks like Ren already tried to make his way out, I'm guessing he was caught though considering he never showed up back at the camp," False added.Grian began to worry more and more about his friend as they wandered through the long halls. Eventually they came across a room lined with cells,"This is it," small spots of blood led over to a cell at the far end.Grian ran toward the cell, the door hung wide open Ren sat against a wall blood running from his nose down to his shirt,"Ren!" Grian ran over to him,"Grian?" Ren opened his eyes looking at his friend.False and Iskall walked up to them, they both smiled and Iskall helped Ren to his feet.The joy was short lived though as they heard a door slam open and someone running over.Scar ran over stopping at the sight of them, False quickly pulled her sword holding it in front of her.Scar looked at her and staggered back,"Wait," Ren said,"He's with us,"  False looked taken aback and Iskall looked extremely shocked,"He saved my life more then once when I was in this hellhole," False put away her sword,"You guys have to go, Doc is still here and it's only a matter of time before he hears or sees you guys," Scar said.False nodded and they started out, before they left the room Grian turned around to look at Scar,
"Scar, come with us,"
"I can't do that, not yet there's something I need to figure out,"
"Okay but remember, you're welcome to join as at anytime,"
"I'm sure I'll take you up on that once I figure one more thing out,"
The two exchanged smiles before Grian ran to catch up with his friends.

  They were almost to the door, they almost made it.The three finally saw the door,"Almost there," Iskall whispered to himself.The whistle of an arrow flying and a thud caused Iskall to turn around, he looked on in horror as False collapsed to the ground an arrow lodged in her back.Ren and Grian ran to her, Iskall looked up to see Doc standing across the room a smile on his face.He began to walk out of the room Iskall pulled his sword and stepped forward before he was stopped by Grian yell,"Iskall!" He turned around rushing over to False.She laid on the ground tears running down her face, she closed her eyes and smiled slightly,"G-goodbye, my friends."

Word count-1161


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