What are you doing ?

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Louis finally could bring himself to look at Liam who was still in confusion.
"What's going on mate ?„ he asked and Louis really couldn't get any words out. After a few seconds of looking at the ground and struggling to find words to describe what was going on he finally managed to choke out some words .

"I don't know we were just looking at each other I think .„ Liam started to laugh what tuned out to be a really sarcastic laugh .

"Not to be weird or something but I really thought that I had to drag you away from each other before you two would ..„ Louis exactly knew what Liam wanted to say and all of sudden shivers turned down his back . No no no I can't think like that I barely know him . Was all he could think about an he practically froze while Liam kept on talking to him .

"Okay that's weird sorry and don't you dare think about it you know he is dangerous!„

why the hell was everybody thinking so bad about him . In Louis eyes Harry was just a normal guy that never got the chance to explain himself and who just needed love and friends around him . Also it was already to late to not think about him .

"Chill Liam I will tell you as soon as Harry and I start snogging in an empty class room and he's not dangerous okay „. Liam just tried to laugh it off and shook his head .

"Okay now let's go we're already to late for the next lesson „ he said grabbing Louis arm and pushing him carefully into the direction of they're classroom .


Later after school Louis decided to walk home instead of taking the bus . He wanted to see the town and get to know who lives near him and since it was an actually nice day It wouldn't be a problem . His father had a night shift today  so he would be home late what also meant  he wouldn't even notice that Louis was a little bit later than usual .

As he walked trough the neighborhood he spotted another sheriff car near a really huge modern house . It was parked  in the parking lot and two men were leaning against it . He couldn't actually see exactly who they were but as soon as one of them started talking he immediately recognized the voice . It was Ryan talking to the other man who seemed to be a cop . Louis asked himself in what relationship they were . Just a second later his question got answered as the older man opened the car and hopped inside to ride away . His window was still down and he could hear Ryan call after him .

"Hey dad don't forget to check up the motor it really does not sound that good .„

"Yeah yeah kiddo I will „. He responded waving good bye out the car .

His dad was a sheriff . So maybe that would explain why he loves to mess with Harry maybe his dad had something to do with Harry's arresting . A whole new perspective just opened up in Louis head and of corse he spend the rest of his walk thinking about it and it practically destroyed his head . Maybe he even got a little headache because of it .

As he walked down the street to his house he was still lost in his thoughts . When he was already halfway trough he Heard a cough coming from a house nearby his own . A boy with beautiful shining curls was sitting on the stairs from a rather old house . It was white with old blinds that were painted gray but the colour was already coming off . Next to the big windows was a door also printed in grey under it were maple stairs and a beautiful boy sitting shivering on it .

"Forgot you're keys again huh ?„ Louis said friendly nodding at the locked door he was sitting in front of .

"Hmmm yeah ..„ Harry answered annoyed but Louis couldn't be angry at him . In fact it really was getting cold and of corse he was wondering if Harry wasn't getting sick . The smaller boy started walking up the porch until he stopped in front of Harry .

For a moment he just stood there looking down at the still heavy shaking boy and he almost seemed smaller and even breakable, all curled up hugging his legs .

"Since it seems like nobody's at you're home and you forgot you're keys I consider it would be better if you come with me maybe .„ And Louis really meant it . He doesn't wanted to be the reason the green eyed lad gets sick and since his father was gone for the night it wouldn't be a problem even if it was just for a few hours .

"I'm okay ,my mother will show up in a few minutes „. Louis raised his eyebrows in disbelieve asking Harry trough his look if that's really true but he didn't responded and just pulled out his phone from his backpacked . He sighed and shook his head while unlocking his phone maybe checking for any messages .

It didn't took Louis much time to think about what he could do to at least try a little bit harder to get Harry out of the cold . And faster than Harry could have reacted he reached out for Harrys phone .

"What are you doing .„ Harry snapped while reaching out to get his phone back but Louis was faster than him and turned around so he couldn't try again . After a few seconds he turned back to the boy who was practically towering over him and for a second Louis froze . He never realized how tall Harry was compared to him . Louis Head endet exactly there were Harry's neck startet .

"Here !„ he said stretching his arm out and handing Harry his phone back ."Now you got my number and you can text me the next time you forget you're keys .„

The other boy didn't really knew how to react but reached out to grab his phone . As they stood there not talking and just looking at each other Louis decided to turn around and keep on walking to his house wanting Harry to make the next move now . Just as he was already on the street again he heard Harry's voice shouting after him .

"Thank you Louis !„

Wow did he really just call him Louis that was quit nice actually and surprising too . The blue eyed lad turned around and casually smiled at him .

"You're welcome curly oh, and again in case there is nobody coming to open the door for you , just come over .Same street house number 28 „ Louis shouted back .

He didn't even took his time to look at Harry's facial expression after he just called him curly but as he thought about it a little smile escaped his lips. So he just walked down and got home .

By now it had already started pouring and there was an actual thunderstorm outside . As he was walking into the kitchen preparing the oven for his deep fried pizza ,he heard his doorbell ring . He suddenly felt a little bit overwhelmed by thinking about the fact that it actually could be Harry standing in front of his door . Louis started breathing a little bit heavier and feeling like he couldn't get his legs to walk up to door to open it . As ist rang a second time he snapped back and tried to catch his breath while walking up to the door .

As he opened the door the rain started pouring inside of his house causing the whole floor to get wet .

"Oops .„

was all Harry could croak out And now Louis ocean blue eyes finally fell on the taller boy standing in his door frame . His clothes were completely soaked just as his hair and wow , even when his curls were completely soaked because of the rain they still looked stunning and as Harry looked at Louis with his shining green eyes that seemed like they were portals to a different universe he maybe fell a little bit more for the boy than he would ever have allowed to .


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