You're next L.T.

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Louis POV:

I woke up to the feeling of silk sheets on my skin.They were incredibly soft and I loved the feeling, might get ones myself, but there was no feeling that could top the feeling of Harrys body laying on mine. It was crazy how used we were to each other and how his head laying on my chest kinda felt like home to me. He explained that he liked it when he was able to hear my heart beat and he also love It curling up on my stomach, even tho he wouldn't admit it. Like always he had his head on my chest, his arms wrapping around my torso, while my arm was laying on his back stroking it.

This trip was beautiful and well needed. Even tho we both never wanted this to stopp we both had agreed to go to school today ,wich means, waking up at 5am. I always had an inner alarm clock that woke me up a few minutes before the alarm actually would start. So here am I, laying with the most precious and beautifulst person alive in a hotel room from a star hotel, we could never afford and with thousands of problems we don't ever want to face.

This all could have stayed like this but unfortunately the alarm had to go off causing Harry to pop up from my chest. He immediately turned off the alarm and laid back down on my chest not caring about our time schedule. I brought my hand up to his hair carefully massaging his scalp.

„We need to get up curly" I said in a calming sleepy voice . He just growled and shook his head.

„We need to go to school Harry" I said a little bit louder but still in soft voice.

„Not me, they still think im sick" he said in a rasp, a little bit annoyed. I carefully tucked on his curls so he would look up to me.

„I need you as emotional support" I said with a smile. After that I carefully scooped him off my chest and went to the bathroom. I wasn't amazed when I saw toothbrushes and toothpaste standing in a cup on the sink, since this was such an expensive hotel. Goor for us since we had nothing with us. From then on we made us ready for the day, putting on our clothes, brushing teeth... When we were ready we took the elevator down, gave back the key, sayid Amanda a big thank you and hopped in the car. It was 6:30, school starts at 8:00 and it would take an hour with the car back to school, considering the traffic.

The ride back was good and we decided to quickly make a stopp at Harry's and after that at my house to grab our shool stuff, after that harry would drive us both to school. Us being a couple wasn't a big secret anymore now,was it.

When we turned in into the schools parking lot something immediately felt off. There was a rather lagre group of people standing in front of a wall. One next to the main doors. Students were standing there looking at maybe something that was written there . Harry and I looked at each other very confused. As soon as he parked we got out of the car and started walking up to the crowd of people. We immediately noticed Liam,Niall,Zayn and even Kiara standing together talking.

„Whats going on?" I heard harry ask .

„Where the hell have you two been?" I heard a female voice answering. It was Kiara who stopped chatting with Niall and walked out of the circle of the four.

„In the city. Had something to do" I was quick to answer. Harry and I both agreed that we wouldn't tell them what happened. Not as long until we had more details.

„Well you missed out a lot of shit" Liam immediately answered. „We were out of city for what? 24 hours?" I said confused and a little bit worried at the same time. What the hell was going on?

„Can somebody please explain what happened?" As soon as harry said that I realized something. We were all, Kiara,Liam,Niall,Harry and I having a conversation together. It was weird but also very nice to see our different friendgroups mix at this point. I got to be honest, we may have not been talking so much to the boys as we should have.

Dangerous Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now