Did you just said that I'm gay?

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As Harry walked in Louis didn't waisted a second to close the door and turn around finding the boy standing in the hallway scanning over the floor . It was a small hallway and there was one door on each side of it. A bathroom and the other one the office from his dad .

As he recognized that Harry was finished with scanning the room he looked at Louis questioning and when he noticed it ,Louis just nodded into the direction of the open kitchen . He looked at the boy who was now walking into the big open kitchen that was attached to the living room .

"Do you wanna eat something ? I was just about to make myself a pizza „. Louis asked shy still walking behind him . Slowly Harry turned around to face the smaller boy again .

"I think I'm fine actually .„

His sudden kindness almost shocked Harry and actually the fact that he really came to him was an even bigger shock for him . Louis was thankful for him to come because even if he didn't wanted to admit it he was a little bit afraid of thunderstorms .

"Okay that's fine just sit down in the living room if you want while I put the pizza in the oven .„ he said smiling and walked to the kitchen where the pizza was still lying on the counter .

As he walked back Harry was sitting on the brown leather couch placed in the middle of the room ,facing big glass windows that stopped at the ground . It was almost dark outside but you could still slightly see the clouds as the rain still poured down . Louis slowly walked up not daring to sit down next to Harry ,out what ever reason . Maybe he was nervous or maybe even scared . He slowly walked up to the curly lad now facing him .

"You don't need to stand next to the couch .„ Harry chuckled out knowing that something was going on in Louis head .

"Yeah I know .„ answered the blue eyed boy and it came out a little bit snappier than he actually planned as he sat himself down next to Harry who was again scanning over Louis body .

"So nobody came huh ?„ Louis asked trying to build up a conversation.

Harry didn't face him he just swung one leg sideways over his other and leaned back as he was looking outside the window .

"Why did you move in here ? It's such a boring and sad little town .„

Well that wasn't what Louis asked him but he had no problem answering him his question . He was a little bit confused why Harry wouldn't tell him but it would be totally okay if Harry doesn't want to talk about his family .

"Well I kinda had an argument with my mother about my sexuality and she didn't took it that well I think .„ Louis shrugged .

To his surprise Harry finally tuned around to face him and what was that ..... did he just really saw a little bit of pain in his eyes . Harry Styles got sad in front of him now that was a whole different story .

"Sorry about That .„he said with a painful smile on his face .

"Oh it's okay im fine with it I guess and I'm also not a person that likes to hide his sexuality like you „ Wow did he just really said that . Also of corse he was not totally fine with it in fact his mother really hurted him with it and he also really missed her .

„Did you just said that I'm gay ? Yes he did and even if he didn't quit meant it that way it made sense to him .

"Maybe not gay but you're a person that really likes to hide himself from others aren't you ?

"Maybe „he answered almost a little bit sad  . His green eyes were now directly starring at him and Louis couldn't  help but admire him . His beautiful curly hair his perfect sharp jawline and of corse those eyes . Those fucking pretty and breathtaking green eyes it was almost scary how easily he could get lost in them .

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