Enough Ryan

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Monday before school /Louis POV :

I hoped I could catch him before school . Since I had no chance telling him that I couldn't text him he must be quit mad or confused . At that time my head wasn't by Ryan , but that would change after the first lesson .

I walked trough the hallway searching for Harry but I couldn't find him and today was also a day we had no English . I kept on walking trough the hallway like a psycho, looking out for him but still no Harry .

"Louis !„

Please let it be Harry , please .

"Hey mate what's up ?„ somebody said from a little distance . I turned around ...

"Oh Hey Zayn „ I said while keep on looking trough the people .

"What's going on ?„ he asked as he took notice of it .

"Have you seen Harry ?„ I blurted out . I had to ask him . I needed to know if everything between us was okay .

"No . But since were already there , how was it with you're dad . He was mad man „

"Long Story , need to tell you some other time . Do you know if Harry's at school today ?„

I knew I would annoy Zayn but I HAD to see him .

"No mate sorry . Let's go to class now we're already late in case you didn't noticed. „ He said nodding in direction of our classroom.

I hadn't even noticed it was already time to go . I followed Zayn into our classroom where Liam was already waiting for us .

The first lesson was Art and we were supposed to show off photography's we made . Luckily I was one of the last once so I still had time to make some .

"Hey lads , come sit down „ I heard Liam calling .So Zayn and I sat down next to him .

"How are you guys ?„ Said Liam giving us a loving smile .

"Oh were fine and you ?„ Zayn answered almost immediately.

I was still looking over the people in the class . I knew Harry wasn't in my class but I was just completely nervous and freaked out .

"Are you sure you're fine „ I heared Liam laughing out . Obviously meaning me with that .

"Yeah yeah , I'm fine Lima „

Zayn stared laughing and gave me pat on the shoulder .

"Good mate „ Liam added .

That's when our teacher walked in , throwing his stuff on the desk . He leaned against his table waiting for us all to be quiet.

"Thank you „ he began to say after everyone got silent ."well you know that everyone hat to prepare their Photography's , sadly I need to look after a different class today so I trust you to present them without me . Today Kiara , John and Ryan are going to show of theirs  . With that I say goodbye but I'm going to come in ,to check up before the hour ends . Behave „

And with that he left the class just as fast as he came. On my old school nobody would have done anything but I was surprised as a girl walked up to the projector . She had brown curly/wavy  hair and a mixture of blue and green  eyes . She was nice was my first thought .

"That's Kiara „  I heard Liam wispre to me but I just nodded .

Okay yeah , she seemed to be a quit beautiful girl but I was loyal to Harry anyway . Even if we weren't together (yet) .

"What are you talking about man ?„ I heard zayn snapp back "you know she's gay , don't you ?„

Zayn said it a little bit louder than planned , causing Kiara to turn to us . She said nothing and just gave us a little smile and wink before turning around again plugging in her phone .

For the rest of the lesson we just sat there looking at the photography's from the other student . They were really nice actually , but then it was Ryan's turn .

He already walked up to the projector smirking at me like an idiot .

If I would have already known what he was about to do I would have probably ran out the classroom at that point , but I didn't .

Everyone's eyes were on Ryan who was now plugging in his phone .

Then everyone's eyes widened . The first image that popped up was me walking out of Harry's house to my dads car . I knew he had taken pictures but i never thought he was bold enough to show them in front of our class .

Everyone's eyes started traveling to me including Liam who looked rather angry and everybody started whispering to each other .

"What the fuck Louis „ said Liam quiet . He knew it wasn't a nice situation for me so he tried to not make more attention .

I wished I could just disappear but sadly I couldn't .

Then something else caught my eye, than the other students starring at me . I could look into Ryan's gallery and ...... oh fuck ... that's bad ... that's really bad .

In his gallery were multiple pictures , but not only of me walking out of Harry's house , no . There was one picture I saw that made me choke for air . When Ryan saw my expression he just laughed .

It was a picture made from the outside of the kitchen window . Of corse you could see me laying on the counter with Harry on top of me wildly making out .

Ryan just pointed at the picture in a "shall we look" way . Nobody seemed to notice the picture in his gallery but it would only stay like that as long as the picture stayed there .

I just looked around the class searching for somebody to help me getting Ryan away from that projector , but everyone's eyes were focused on me . I could have cried , really .

If he would show this picture I would be fucked up . I personally had no problem with it but the others would of corse think "oh no Harry the murder and Louis ? Did he raped him „ actually I smiled at that . How stupid can a human being be .

Just in the second he wanted to click on the picture I saw how a girl walked up to him ripping the connection cable to the protector out of Ryan's phone . I had already seen my life flash by.

"Enough Ryan „ I herd her say .

It was Kiara .

You could mean I cared about the fact that she probably saw the picture but I didn't, I was actually really happy she did .

I tried to calm down but my Puls was still at 100 , but now came the bigger problem . Explaining everything to Liam . I wasn't planning on telling the whole class even if they were all still looking at me like idiots .

"Hey „ I Heard- Kiara call again so the whole class would  hear her "why don't y'all mind your own business „

That's when everybody turned around again . Thank god .

Before she could sit down again she quickly looked over to me and I gave her a slight smile whispering "thank you„.
She smiled and sat down again .

How in the actual fuck did Ryan get that photo anyways ?

Then  when the door flew open and our teacher came back in . Couldn't that have happened a few minutes earlier?

The teacher gave his usual speech an asked if everything worked out. Well for me not really but thanks  . After that the bell rang and everyone walked out of the classroom .

To my surprise Liam didn't wait for Zayn and me and just walked out of the class .

"Let him . He's upset „ I heard Zayn saying .

Before Zayn and I could walk out of the class , I heard another voice .

"Louis „ I Heart a girl"Louis isn't it ?„

It was Kiara

Double update again yay

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