Room 7

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Harry's POV :

I didn't knew why , but I was so incredibly angry that I couldn't hold back anymore . I was completely blending out everything . Ryan could do anything to me , everything , he could even sent be back to prison , I wouldn't care . Seeing him hurting Louis was something else . I am a person that protects their loved ones over anything else . Seeing that bruise on Louis arm had me going crazy .

I walked up to Ryan , immediately grabbing him on his collar , lifting him up a little bit .

"What were you thinking Ryan ?„ but he just kept on disgustingly smiling at me . "You really thought you could hurt him like that ?„ I almost screamed out .

My anger was about to burst out and I really wanted to hit him , but then I heard Louis calling again . Probably not even for the first time , but this time it was the first time I realized him calling .

"Harry stop „

I didn't let go of Ryan and just turned my head Louis way , seeing him standing there shaking his head . I would have loved to hit Ryan right across his stupid face but of corse Louis had to bring out my weakness . He was my weakness . Just because of him I finally let go of Ryan's collar , but sadly it was already to late .

"Hands away Styles !!„

That was the second I realized Ryan's dad . I would have loved to make him pay for everything he did to me and my family but right now I wasn't in the position for that . I just hoped he wouldn't take out a gun in front of everyone .

Since the day I saw my dad getting killed with one I was so afraid of guns. I couldn't even look at a picture of one . Basically I was Traumatized.

Ryan's dad was walking up to us, my hands already off his collar . Then I completely blacked out when I felt the cold metal around my wrist , just seconds later on my other too. I tried to protest against it but Halls hand was directly on my head pushing it down .

When I saw Louis standing just a few feet away from me my throat gor dry .I didn't wanted him to see me like that , I didn't wanted him to hate me or be disappointed, I didn't wanted to loose him .


I heard him bust out almost crying . I couldn't even hear what he said after that because my mind went completely blank . Hall pushed me into the back of the car, cuffing my hands to a metal bar

"You're arrested Styles „

I saw Louis walking after the car , that was now leaving the parking lot .

Louis POV:

I didn't even realized what just had happened but what I knew was that Harry was in trouble . I wasn't talking about the people who saw him getting arrested , I was talking about the things officer hall could do to him . Would he sent him back to prison ? Who knows what he could do .

This was so fu*ked up . Especially because Harry did nothing wrong . I hoped that maybe if I would follow to the police office and show Ryan's dad the bruise his son gave me ,he would understand . I also thought about maybe calling my dad , he always used to get me out of trouble and this time Harry needed it more .

I was so nervous while waiting for the bus that would drive to the office ( walking would take even longer) . My mind was going crazy about the things that could happen to him . I mean the same man who just arrested him was the same man that had killed his father and made it seem like it was him .

"Louis what are you doing here ?„ I heard a girls voice .

It was Kiara. She was parking in front of me with an all black motorcycle .

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