Easy or hard way ?

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Trigger warning : talking about self harm , mental illnesses

Harry's POV :

The next morning we woke up to an abnormally loud alarm. I almost had forgotten that it only was Thursday. Actually I was not planning on going to school , so I didn't had to face the other students . What can I say , this is a small town and news go around really fast and easy . It's not like I was scared or something. I was tired , tiered of the stares , of people scanning everything I do and it felt so good to have somebody who doesn't needs to control everything you do and takes you like you are.

"Morning curly „

I wanted to force myself to keep my eyes closed but I couldn't help but smile into Louis face . He was so painfully beautiful and his eyes made me go weak .

I felt his hand pulling a strand hair behind my ear , giving me an unbelievable sweet smile . He had this light in his eyes . I don't know where I had  seen it before but it could stay forever .I felt so warm in my whole body and I loved that feeling .

"We really need to go to school now „

He said after we staid like that for probably a few minutes . I wasn't sure if I wanted to go but it seemed like Louis took that decision from me , as he pulled me out of the bed . We were both pretty tired and stumbled across the room to the bathroom .

When we reached it, I basically just fell over the my own feed , stumbling forward , so  I  almost crashed into the wall but luckily I felt Louis arms softly wrap around my waist .


I said when he brought me up , so I could normally stand again .


He quietly mumbled out before I felt his soft lips touch mine , for a sweet kiss . Of corse we had a little bit morning breath but he didn't cared and neither did . It wasn't a deep kiss anyways , because just a second later we parted and kept on getting ready for the day .

Eventually we ended up goofing around while we brushed our teeth , but it was alright . Me still made it in time . Even if it sounds weird ,to me it felt good walking together with him out of the house and to the bus station . It felt like I was  up in the sky with my thoughts  , completely happy , but Louis seems to not be any different . We both were just in a pink gaze , giving us some little looks and smiles all the time .

I almost forgot the  reason why I didn't wanted to go to school , but as soon as we reached the front doors i remembered. Not everybody was looking at us (specifically me) but it were enough people , in my opinion . Some of them had heard about the fact that a cop car parked in front of my house , just seconds later Louis walking out of my house.

I never told this anyone , not even Louis . I never felt like he needed to know because it wasn't something that defined me . Yes i had anxiety , not strong , but strong enough to hate the feeling of many people looking at me .

After prison , when I came back , it was the worst . Everybody would starte at me what completely made me freak out on the inside and since I couldn't show it I had to let it out otherwise, so I started cutting myself . Also a topic I never had spoken about with Louis . I was afraid of letting people see my weakness but I definitely planned on telling him in the next days .

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone calling me , someone with an really noticeable Irish accent .


It was Niall, waiting for me in the hallway , where he always used to wait for me . Louis was still on my side and I only hoped they would get along with each other , especially because I never dared to tell him about Louis (also a thing I was veery closed up about)

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