You know what I've been thinking about ?

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Trigger warning ...smut

Louis POV :

During the whole car ride nobody said a single word . The only thing I realized , was how my dad used to look into the mirror , eying Harry who was sitting in the back . I could see that he was completely exhausted and done with everything . I really hoped he was okay and that today wouldn't change anything .

As we rode down the street I realized that we had already passed Harry's house .  I was a little bit confused that Harry had said nothing when we passed it . Maybe he was just a little bit shy or he basically just didn't noticed .

"You know you passed Harry's house ?„

"Yeah I know. He's going to come over so we can finish some paperwork . „

I could Hear my dad leaving out a sight , after that eying Harry trough the mirror one more time .

"And I assume that already happened when I was gone huh?„

Of corse he would know . Hiding something from my dad seemed like something I wasn't that good in . When I turned around in my seat to face Harry , sitting in the back , I could see his little smirk .  I didn't had to answer my dads question , because he already knew , so we spent the last two minutes in silence .

The car parked and we all got out . Then my dad stopped in front of the  door, looking for the keys in his bag .

"You guys really have a thing for forgetting you're keys „

I stumbled out before I reached into my own bag , pulling out my keys . My father and Harry just looked at each other and eventually I saw a little smile on my dads face , when he looked at him .

I almost fell into the house and I couldn't wait to sit down and rest . We all walked in , my father directly leading Harry into the kitchen . While my he walked into his work office to get some papers , Harry and I sat down  , giving us a slight smile .

"Okay„ I heard  my father call while he came back into the kitchen .

"Louis I need to take a picture of that bruise „ he said while sitting down pointing at my arm .

"After that I only need Harry for a few questions and we're finished „

I still had no idea where his sudden mood change  had come from , but I was glad about it and I knew I would definitely asked him about it when  Harry was gone .

We quickly took the picture and after that my father started asking some questions . I would have loved to stay with them but I just felt so exhausted.

"Is it okay when I quickly take a shower ?„

I asked . I needed to kind of get this day off my shoulders . I didn't knew if the bruise Ryan gave me, should make me feel disgusting but sadly it kind of did . I just wanted water to wash over it , leaving this day behind .

"It's okay . Will be done in a minute „

I heard my dad say , while Harry just nodded at me . After that I was already on my way upstairs. My thoughts went back to what had happened today . Everything seemed so unfair , why did Hall arrested him in the first place anyway . Just because he thought Harry would hit his his son ? That was so fucking unfair.

I walked into the bathroom , slipped out of my clothes and hopped under the shower . When I felt the hot water touch my skin it was like a little bit of pressure fell from my shoulders .

After a few minutes I suddenly heard the bathroom door swing open . Then I heard some footsteps coming closer , that  stopped in front of the shower . I only could see trough the foggy glass that the person now started to slip off their own  clothes . As soon as the last peace of clothes fell onto the floor , I saw a arm reaching out to open the shower door .

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