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Harry's POV :

I woke up the next morning , replaying the last night and felt immediately good . I was still happy I told him . I had the  feeling that after I could trust him with my dad I could trust him with other things too , one thing especially  , but I didn't knew if it would be too early .

I just went trough my normal morning routine , threw on a Calvin Klein sweater and jumped out of the house .


When I reached the classroom I left a little smile from my lips, seeing Niall standing in the doorway .

"Morning „ he said with a nice smile , waving at me .

"Morning Nialler „

But that was when I realized that the first lesson was English . That meant working in groups, with Louis but also with Ryan . Actually after all those years I didn't cared about  Ryan anymore  , he always said he was a strong fearless guy but all it took was one look and that as*hole would piss his pants .  

Niall and I walked into the classroom seeing that most of the students were already sitting on their group tables . There was only one blue eyed guy missing , hopefully he would come in time .

After a few minutes when everybody had settled down , Niall and I sitting at our group table but still keeping our distance , the teacher started talking. The only thing I could think about was where Louis was , looking nervously around the room .

All of sudden there was a nock on the door and my face immediately lit up as I saw the boy standing in the doorway .

"Sorry Miss Constance„ „

I Heard him saying , while carefully closing the door and walking up to our group . He was dressed in a dark red pullover , with folded up  sleeves. I thought  that I almost choked when I saw his tattoos . Deamn , they looked unbelievable hot and I suddenly felt the urge to take his clothes of , seeing if he had any more because if so , I needed to be carful about the other thinks I would like to do .

My thoughts were interrupted as the smaller boy left out a quit "morning" in Nialls and my direction giving me a beautiful sweet smile ,that made me instantly smile back .

The teacher just kept on talking and talking . When I god bored I let my eyes drifte over to the handsome boy , who was attentively listening to every word the teacher said .

A half hour must have went by when the teacher finally stopped talking and made us work in our groups .  Louis and my eyes immediately met and I could see how he trailed of to admire my body but so did I .

When everybody was busy doing their exercises Louis and I kept eying each other , causing Niall to carefully push my arm . He just gave me a mad look slightly shaking his head in a "shut down" way .

As I turned to look at the others I saw how Ryan and his friend were whispering like little school girls .

Louis just looked at me , making a "talk" gesture with his hand but Ryan immediately realized .

"Wow not only a Psycho but also a fag !„

He blurted out making my fist tighter .

"Oh com on styles are you mad ?„

Oh yeah I was but I knew I couldn't make a scene .

"And you?„ he tuned his head to Louis "does he holds a knife against your throat when he shags you?„

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