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I am elated that you have given this story a chance! I will put my effort into it, and if in the near future I work on something else, I hope you will check that out too! Note that this is my original work (as original as can be with all of the PJO and HOO stories in Wattpad), and that only a little amount of these ideas come from another's story. 

This tiny-chapter book is called Percy Jackson's New Side - Order: Reborn To Return. I may or may not make this a series, maybe. But this is my very first story here on Wattpad, so I apologize if something goes wrong or my grammar or spelling is off, just a quick warning ahead of time! I will update at least two times a week.

I will give you a warning that this story may not go as you expect it to. Some scenes will be a little gory, and others, a little inappropriate. Please know there will be abuse, maybe drugs, and suicidal thoughts in this story. You have been warned.


He never wanted this.... But he has to in order to save the world, once again.

This is Percy Jackson's new side.

He was shocked at the next words said.

 Betrayed like none other, lost without a doubt, and finds himself turning a new leaf. Is it a good leaf or a bad leaf? 

His palms were sweating. His feet shifted nervously. His eyes darted around, wanting to distract himself from the person's words. Nonetheless, he steeled himself, prepared for anything.

Join Percy on a new adventure, full of happy times and sad times, thrilling journeys, bumpy rides, and much more! Enjoy jokes, action, weirdness, and even love.

"You are the most powerful person, creature, and thing in the world, Perseus. You are the epitome of good and bad, light and dark, actions and reactions. You are creation and destruction itself, and both combined."


I do not own Percy Jackson, or any characters in this story. All rights go to Rick Riordan. Any other characters not mentioned in Rick Riordan's books are from Ancient Greek. I merely own the plot. Please remember, this is all fiction. Anything to do with real life names, places, businesses, religions, etc. is all a coincidence, and has nothing to do with real-world things or people.

Copyright: All rights reserved. No one may replicate or reproduce any part of this story, including all forms of electronics, audio, photocopying, or any other mechanical means, without the permission of the author. Thank you.


Percy Jackson's New Side - Order: Reborn To ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now