Chapter 2: Time For Love

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A Week After what we ended last chapter, so a week after the three weeks Hera was friends with him

Third POV

Percy had finished with the climbing wall for the third time, beating his record again.

"Go Percy!" Some campers cheered, and he waved quickly before going to his cabin to cool off. He always was working out when he wasn't doing chores, helping campers, or doing something else that was important.

He cooled off, taking a nice and quick, cold, shower. He wanted to start getting ready for his date tonight with Annabeth, at a fancy restaurant he had planned for her. He knew it would take him a long time to get ready, so he worked quickly.

Thirty minutes later, he looked in the bathroom mirror.

Hair - Check. Outfit - Check. Red Rose - Check. Smell Good - Check. It took him another ten minutes to make sure he checked everything off. This would be their second date after the war. Not as special as the first, but still very special to him.

He walked out of his cabin, target in mind, walking confident, and arrived at the door of the Athena cabin. He took a deep breath, and put the rose in his mouth. He knocked on the door, and then leaned against the door frame casually. He turned his head away just as it opened.

"Percy? What do you need?"

He whipped his head around , just as he had practiced. Taking the rose out of his mouth, he offered it to Annabeth and said, "Will you go out with me?"

She looked like a deer caught in headlights. "I, sorry, Seaweed Brain. Can we go tomorrow?"

Percy made sure to fake a smile, and nodded, walking away while waving. She waved back, and quickly closed the door. He noticed that she only let him see one eye, not even her full frame. He found that a little weird, but quickly let it go.

A disappointed Percy collapsed on his bed, and rolled over, groaning. He got up at the sound of a flash in the cabin.

"Lady Aphrodite." He bowed, and she made him think of Hera.

A week ago, they had spent nearly three months together. Hera seemed really nice once you got to meet her. But she left, and left with a sort of down and strict attitude. She even called Percy, Perseus, which struck him as unfriendly. So in turn, he started bowing and calling her "Lady Hera", instead of just her name and hugging her when they met up.

"Percy," said Aphrodite, shaking him out of his thoughts. "I-Oooo, you look nice. Taking Annabeth out?"

"She's...busy. But I was planning to. What do you need, Lady Aphrodite?"

"I am in need of company. Ares has stood me up, which has greatly offended me and albeit made me what you mortals call the emotion, depressed."

He stood up straight. She continued, "So I thought I'd come to you, Percy."

He noticed she'd called him by his nickname, so he nodded his head to show he was in. Aphrodite clapped delightedly, and said giddily, "That's great! And since you're dressed do nicely, let's go some place?"

Aphrodite grabbed his hand and flashed them to a Parisian restaurant, and once again, Percy doubled over clutching his stomach. After three months of no-warnings-included flashing-teleportation with Hera, he still wasn't used to it.

"Oh, Percy Percy Percy. Enough throwing up, yes? Let's go inside."

Deciding he wanted to leave a good impression on the goddess, he pulled the chair for her so she could sit down.

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