Chapter 25: He Returns

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11 Years Later

Third POV

The doorbell rang.

"Hey," Percy spoke quietly while opening the door.

"Give me all of your money!" Gabe punched Percy.

"I don't have any," he muttered.

"I just know you've got five dollars. Give. It. NOW."

Percy sighed, brining out his spare taxi dollars. As soon as Gabe saw it, he snatched it away from Percy.

"Now leave, you useless kid." Gabe kicked Percy into his room. His friends continued to smoke and drink as if nothing happened. 

Percy sat down on his bed. He was twelve years old. He couldn't believe his time at Yancy Academy. Mrs. Dodds became a monster. Mr. Brunner and the others thought that her name was Ms. Kerr. Apparently Mrs. Dodds was a Kindly One. And Mr. Brunner and Grover knew more than they were telling me. What had happened?

He spent so much time thinking about Yancy Academy that he didn't hear Gabe's poker friends leave. 


A sad Percy trudged out of his room and to the fridge. His mother had left him long ago. He only lived with his abusive step-father, who would torture him over and over again. Gabe glared at Percy, staring directly into his white eyes.

"Hurry, you white-eyed freak."

Percy had always been born this way. He had no pupils, but you could see the faint black outline separating his white irises from the rest of his white eyes. No pupils at all, they were as pure white as his irises were.

Percy picked up a pan and put some water into it. He had learned to become independent. He always was responsible, always doing what he had to and more. Making food, doing dishes, cleaning the house, washing clothes, and keeping up with school work. He barely got any sleep because of the burden on his shoulders. And Gabe, well he always sat around on the couch, yelling at Percy for things. The only thing he was good for was poker, gambling, and smoking, which are bad things when put together. Poker was good, without the gambling and smoking of course. Other than that, he had also learned other stuff. Percy had always had ADHD, and he had dyslexia at one point. But his dyslexia had magically disappeared. 

He walked over to Gabe and put chicken-noodle soup down in front of him.

"Make more, now."

Percy walked back to the kitchen and began to cook, while thinking. He had to get out. he wasn't going to live with him anymore. Not anymore, no.

But how was he going to get out? He would have nothing to do after this. The only reason he was living, believe it or not, was because of Gabe and his poker money and whatnot. That's the only way he could be able to eat food, learn new things, and be able to live under a roof.

Of course, it always came with a cost. And torture was the price he had to pay. Scars riddled the twelve year-old's body. Cuts all around his legs and torso, and even scorch marks littering his body. Shards of glass stuck out in places which would be too painful and dangerous to take out. He was tied up against the wall often, so ropes had been pressured into his skin, leaving red lines all over his arms and hands, sometimes neck.

Percy had always felt this nagging feeling inside of him. Who was he, really? He felt as if he was from somewhere else, as if he was a part of another life. He felt as if he himself was trapped inside of his sorry soul. Like someone was inside of him, trying to get out and be free. But they never could be, because they didn't know who they were. They wanted to be free from his body, but didn't know where they'd go. Percy had felt it, always. That's what made him so focused. He wanted to find out more. More about what was inside him, what was trying to break free.

Percy Jackson's New Side - Order: Reborn To ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now