Chapter 16: Old Friends

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A Few Hours After Last Chapter

Percy POV

Mrs. O'Leary and I have been walking in the cave for hours, and now, we finally came out. Well, almost. The Doors of Death were right in front of us. It was framed in Stygian Iron, etched with black and silver designs. It reminded me of the elevator to Olympus, except this one gave off dead vibes. For some reason, it was chained down.

"Halt! No one is allowed to escape!" A voice from behind me said.

I turned around, and I was even more puzzled. "Thanatos, why are you in Tartarus and why is the elevator chained down?"

"Oh, it's just you Perseus. I thought it was a monster. As for the chains, I don't know. They've been like this for a long time. So even thought I am really scared of Tartarus, I came down here to monitor it. After all, it's not guarded and I can always go to the Underworld through the elevator in case I need to escape. I've been trying to cut the chains, but even I cannot break them."

"One second, Mrs. O'Leary," I hopped off and walked over to the chains. They seemed to be made of Stygian Iron.

"Thanatos, this is Stygian Iron. How are you not able to break it?"

"I understand that, but it seems as if a spell as been put on it. Try to cut it, but you'll see that it won't budge."

I pulled out Riptide, and swiftly brought it down. But the chains just rattled and didn't break. I tried again. 

"Why are you even here?" 

"The gods sent me down here," I said stiffly, not really wanting to talk about it. Thanatos didn't seem to understand that.


"I got accused of rape." 

"Oh. Well did you?"

"No, but if you go to them, they'll be able to convince you that I did. They got everyone to betray me. Everyone." I emphasized the last word.

"Oh Perseus, I'm so sorry."

I responded by pointing Riptide at the chains and willing Stygian Ice to shoot out of it, freezing the chains. Whoops, forgot I could shoot it out of my hands, I thought. Oh well. Then I brought Riptide down in a swift motion, breaking the chains. I looked back at a wide-eyed Thanatos.

 "How did you...?" He whispered.

I capped Riptide and motioned for Mrs. O'Leary to come over. "How long until it moves?" I said as I pressed the button and opened the door.

"Wait, you can't leave if the gods sent you down here. Come on, Perseus." He pulled out his Stygian Iron scythe. 

"Make me." I went inside and stared at him, waiting for the doors to close.

"Perseus, you realize that no one will be able to open the doors from the other end, right?"

I snapped my fingers, and sent a shadow to the doors. Thanatos was unaware of this, though. Mrs. O'Leary bounded in after me. Thanatos raised his sword, and she growled in response. 

"Shh, if he attacks then we defend, understood?" I said while petting her, but keeping my gaze on the god of peaceful death. She barked OKIE, in response, and I understood her somehow. Right, I had the same powers as Tartarus and Nyx, including him understanding the monsters being the lord of all creatures of darkness and her being their mother. Oh well.

"That's it, I'm afraid I'll have to take you under custody." He charged, and I held Mrs. O'Leary at bay.  Thanatos entered the elevator just as the doors closed, and I parried an attack. I quickly ducked another, and slashed at his gut. He brought his blade down in time, and fell for the trap. At the last second, I swung my sword left and cut his arm. He cried in pain for a second. A second was all it took for me to pin him against the wall, Riptide at his throat.

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