Chapter 19: The Choosing Ceremony

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A Few Months later

Percy POV

I had officially completed the tour of all the cities. It was amazing. So many different sights, I met a lot of people, but best of all, I got to spend lots of quality time with Chaos.

"Come on, Percy," Chaos led me into her room.


"Close the door behind you."

I did as my girlfriend said. Wow, I still couldn't get over how good it felt to say that. Chaos pushed me against the wall and buried her face in my shoulder.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"Don't try to pretend with me. Pleaseeeeee?"

"Jeez, what do you want?"

She slapped my shoulder. "What did you say? I think you perfectly know what I want."

"And I think you perfectly heard what I said." 

"You brought this on yourself," Chaos walked away to the door. That was bad. I quickly walked up behind her and began to kiss her neck. My arms found themselves wrapping around her waist and my fingers snuck into her sweat pants.

"Don't leave," I mumbled.

"Your Majesty!" Odysseus yelled from outside the door.

I woke up immediately and looked around. Oh, right. We had it. I looked down at Chaos, who looked beautiful while sleeping and basically everything else. I quickly got up, put some clothes on, and answered the door.


Odysseus frowned at me opening the door. "Where's Her Majesty?"

"She is sleeping. Tell me the information and I will tell her," I hinted. I felt arms wrap around me.

"Odysseus, you know Percy and I are together. Any message you have for me you can tell him too."

"But Your Majesty-"

"She said you can. The message?"

"Right," he grumbled. "The choosing for the Eternals begins in an hour, you must be there early Your Majesty."

"Alright, thank you. You are dismissed."

Odysseus left, and I closed the door and turned around. She had no clothes on. "Chaos, what if he saw you?!"

"Well you're my big boy protector, aren't you? You were there."

"Well, yeah, but-"

"Then we have nothing to worry about." She came up and kissed me square on the lips. I walked forward and pushed her back down on the bed, and then buried my face in the crook of her neck.

"Let's stay here and then go down there last minute," I suggested.

"Percy, no. Come on, you're the leader of the Elite force. How would it look if you came last minute?" She giggled.

"I didn't know you giggled."

"Oh come on it was supposed to sound sexy."

"Well you're already sexy enough, more than enough." I picked her up and spun around in circles.

"Percyyyyyyyyyyy." She yelled out and I smirked.

I set her down and then headed to the bathroom to get my cloak. She also put on her "royal clothing" which consisted of black tube top and white sweat pants. Pretty casual for an empress, but then again Chaos wasn't the fancy type, and that's why I loved her. Her wavy black hair shone with natural highlights, and the wispy bangs on her face made her even more cuter. 

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