Chapter 8: Kiss Kiss, Leave Leave

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Continues From last Chapter

Artemis POV

"Percy! Willow, Thalia, get him to the infirmary!" I picked him up and put him on a stretcher, where the two Hunters quickly rushed him to the infirmary.

I sobbed, looking at the retreating form of Percy. It was my fault. I pushed him in the fire. I did that. I made him stay up all night. I'm the cause of his death

I had to do something. Rushing to his tent, I peeked inside. His breathing was slowing down. "Get out!" I roared in sadness and anger, and the Hunters did so, zipping up the tent as they left. I was alone with him, and he was dying on me.

"Don't you dare die! It's not your time! Please, Percy, don't die! Please." I shook him, but his breathing slowed even more. I put my hand over his heart, and felt his pulse. It was a soft thump 1....2....3.....4....5... thump 1....2.....3....4....5....6... thump

I stared at the screen as his heart went still, and the sound I hated most a t the time erupted like a siren. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

"NO!" I shrieked, and hook him, but the beeping sound still kept going. It was so heartbreaking and annoying, I smashed the screen and the beeping stopped.

"You won't die on me, not now, not ever." I did something in a last attempt to save him.

Percy POV

I think  I'm a soul now, and in Los Angeles. In front of me was a familiar man, very familiar. 

"Hey Charon!" I greeted the ferryman of Hades who carried the newly deceased souls across the river Styx.

Charon turned to me, his black eyes meeting my sea-green ones. Then he ran forward and grabbed be my my collar and shook me. "You won't die on me, now now, not ever." He screamed in a low-pitch. 

I was shook (see what I did there?) by him shaking me. What was he doing? He was supposed to take me across the river Styx.

Then, Charon did the most disgusting thing ever. He... Charon leaned forward and kissed me, square on the lips. He put his hand on the back of my head, using it to tangle my hair and to deepen the kiss even more. His tongue brushed across my lips, and made it's way into my mouth. He used his tongue to explore my mouth for a few seconds. 

Ew, he tasted like dead rotten stuff. Then, he breathed into my mouth, and the air made its way down to my lungs. 

Suddenly, the kiss started tasting sweet. Like pina colada, pineapple, and other things mixed in with it. It tasted heavenly. More air was forced into my lungs, and it felt like a wash of a refreshing coconut drink. My eyes fluttered open, and I saw Artemis's familiar auburn hair right in front of me, along with her beautiful facial features up close. Her hand was tangled in my hair. Her lips were touching my lips. Her tongue was exploring my mouth. Her breath, like CPR, was now in my lungs. 

She pulled back, and I was shocked. 

"Hi Percy," she said, at least I think she said that. Her voice seemed distant after the kiss. I didn't know what to say. The GODDESS, ARTEMIS, just kissed ME. A man-hating goddess, known for castrating males just for looking at her, just kissed me, a male. I was so shocked I didn't see her make her way to the tent opening. Oh, right, I didn't reply to her kiss, which seemed like rejection.

"Artemis..." I whispered weakly.

Her head whipped around, and she came to me. A sad smile made its way onto her lips.

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