Chapter 6: Can We Not Castrate Anyone?

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It's been a few days since the last chapter (in this story not in real life) 

Third POV

Percy had been hanging out with Rachel more and more, one time even sleeping on her couch last night. He had no hopes of repairing anything, not his life, his relationships, friends and girlfriend, and definitely fixing the "rape" problem. He sighed for the tenth time, wondering how he got in this in the first place. He thought maybe he'll just take a nap, and wait for Rachel to finish her painting. 


Percy woke to an angry voice and a hard slap to the face.

"L-lady Artemis," he bowed, but she huffed.


He did as he was asked.


"Um, Rachel let me stay here?"


He frowned, and looked away. She softened her tone a little bit. "Why are you here and not in your cabin?"

"I... fell asleep here, but I sleep in my cabin. I was just waiting for Rachel to finish her painting."

"Mmm, fine. I need a favor."

Percy looked at her, wide-eyed. He was nervous, not because of her reputation for castrating men and turning them into animals, but if she found out about the lies. She seemed to notice his expression, not really knowing the truth behind it. She assumed he was shocked because he feared her, so she said, "Don't worry, I will not castrate you."

Percy nodded, accepting that as his cover story for being afraid. "I, uh, ok, what is it?"

"As much as I don't like it, I need your help tracking down a monster."

"Why me?"

"The monster belongs to the sea, and since you are a son of the sea..."

"Of course, Lady Artemis. Oh, hey Rachel."

"Lady Artemis," she bowed.

"Oracle, nice to see you."

"Sup Perce. Did you fall asleep on my couch again?"


"You've slept on it before?" Artemis raised an eyebrow.

Percy nodded. "It's too comfy!" He complained.

Artemis glared at him, and then turned to Rachel. "If you could please tell Chiron I have Percy and will need him for a month or two, we'll be on our way."

Rachel nodded, and left to go tell Chiron. 

"Come on, boy." She flashed them somewhere. After eight months of being flashed to places by a bunch of goddesses, he never really could get used to it. He clutched his stomach, and when he felt better, looked up only to get fisted in the stomach by his favorite cousin of Zeus.


"Kelp Head!"


ZAP! "Shut up, don't call me that, Kelp Head." She glared at a frightened Percy.

He raised his hands in surrender. "Ok, ok!"

Artemis cleared her throat, and all of the Hunters turned to her. "Perseus will be staying with us until we find the Ophiotaurus, ok, girls?"

They grumbled, but said "Yes," anyways.

"Good. Perseus, come with me." She gestured for him to follow, and he did.

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