Chapter 23: Flashbacks

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One Day Later

Artemis POV

I was walking through the camp, carrying a boar and deer with my hunters. We had returned successfully. The sun was almost setting, and it probably would in an hour or two. The wind  was a gentle breeze. I smelled the fire going, and could hear the Hunters chattering. By this time, Perseus was usually finished with his chores, and would be ready to cook dinner for the camp along with his usual partner, Willow. The food was amazing, cooked by both of them.

Speaking of Willow, I have been getting reports from her. Apparently Perseus has been slacking off. While I'm not there to witness it myself, I am certain she is telling the truth. I think, at least. I have been torn between the reports coming from my other Hunters about Perseus, and whether if he actually was slacking or if he wasn't. All reports were mostly about him slacking off. At first, I doubted Willow's statement. But after getting more information on his behavior, I was led to believe that this man I respected truly was getting to his head, letting his ego take over. I wouldn't let that happen, he had to be kept in tip-top form. But I was still unsure. Was this really true? 

"Lady Artemis, I have finished my chores. Shall I take the boar and the deer and cook it?" Perseus asked, disturbing my thoughts.

"Yes, but by yourself. No help from Willow."

He looked at me strangely, but quickly hid it. "Of course, Lady Artemis." 

Perseus then picked the boar up, and hauled the bloody animal over his shoulder. He didn't seem to strain from the weight. Then he picked up the deer, almost bridal-style, and walked as gracefully as he could while taking two dead animals to the supplies tent.

I stared at the tent, looking at the shadow of his form in the light of the tent. He seemed to be skinning the two animals, rather fast I'd say. I forced my head away, and walked over to the Hunters.

"Lady Artemis," Thalia bowed, everyone following.

"Relax. How are the plans coming along?"

"Really well, Lady Artemis. Soon we'll have reinforced defenses, supplies and  better tents. We'll also have extra for some more fun things," a Hunter said, snickering at that last part.

She was a Hunter with a great sense of humor, so I waved it off. If there was anything to be concerned about, she wouldn't joke about it like that. I sighed in tiredness and walked to my tent. It was a huge one, like all of the others. Very spacious, which was what we exactly needed. I looked up to see my ceiling, which I had recently covered with a picture of my dead Hunter, Zoe. I had made it so that her image was in front of her constellations, courtesy of editing from Athena and Hephaestus. I walked over to the little glass casing, with a bow inside. It was a replica of Zoe's bow. The beautiful marking, the scratches on it from her life as a true Hunter. All of it. It marked her as a warrior, the best there was.

Tears pooled in my eyes. Zoe had ben my lieutenant for over 2000 years. 2000 years, she and I have been through thick and thin. A very trusting lieutenant, indeed. 

A noise disturbed my train of thought. I wiped my ears away and washed my hands, getting ready for dinner. My bow was neatly slung across my back, and my quiver as well, full to the brim. I walked over to the table, where Perseus was serving the food. How had he made it so fast?

I sat down, and cleared my throat. As much as he deserved to sit here, I couldn't become soft.

"You may go, Perseus."

"Of course, lady Artemis," he bowed and left. I noticed he didn't take his serving. Why wasn't he going to eat? Maybe it was so bad that he couldn't stand his own cooking. Only one way to find out. I grabbed my utensil and stuck it in the deer meat, slowly raising the food to my mouth. I opened wide and tasted just the tiniest bit of it. As soon as I did, I let my tongue brush over the whole piece of meat. It was amazing, absolutely wonderful. I doubted Willow a little more now, knowing Perseus could cook very well on his own now. I glanced back at his tent, where he was crawling into bed. Then the lights went out and I sensed no movement whatsoever.

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