Chapter 3: A Little Hope For Everyone

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A Few Days After What Happened Last; Camp Half-Blood

Third POV

He somehow guessed that Annabeth would bail on him. A couple nights ago, he took her out for dinner. When Annabeth said, "Tomorrow," because she said she was busy earlier, Percy kept his word and they decided to meet by Zeus's Fist. Except for one thing. Annabeth wasn't there. And she made no apology or notice to even remember about it; she forgot completely!


He was shook out of his thoughts. "Hey, Rachel. What's up?"

"I, I had a vision..."

Percy turned serious, and looked her straight in the eye. She flinched under his gaze, but shook out of it motioned for him to come to her cave. Percy entered the cave, feeling welcomed by the comfort of her cave. Cozy couches and bed, fluffy carpets, beautiful paintings, it made a smile tug at his lips. But he quickly turned serious.

"I came to you because you were honestly the first person I thought I should tell. I don't remember much, because, you know, I just paint what's on my mind. I made a mural, though." She went over to three different paintings and put them all together.

"The first painting, I saw this hooded man. He had weird, colorful wisps coming out of him."

Though it was long ago, Percy remember the Fates telling him about the hooded man. It wasn't much, but he figured out that he and the man were related.

"From the second vision I painted the hooded man slashing down Titans and Giants, while some other people were naked, I didn't know who any of them were."

Percy raised an eyebrow at the naked part, but really he was more interested in "slashing down Titans and Giants", what did that mean? But the last one shocked Percy the most of all. Rachel showed a pen.

"The last one isn't much, but it's a random pen. Got any ideas about the paintings?"

Percy stuttered, "No." He studied the third one closely, and realized why that pen looked familiar.

Haha! Cliffhanger, though I think you know which pen it is. Anyways, A Week Later

Third POV

Percy and Rachel hadn't told Chiron yet, they didn't know what to do. They felt like keeping it t themselves was the best answer for now. But the worst part about it was that Percy couldn't tell his very own girlfriend, Annabeth.

"Everyone to the campfire!"

Percy and Annabeth walked together, to sing songs and then disperse to sleep for the night. Percy wanted to clear things up with Annabeth. "Hey, Wise Girl?"

"Yeah, Seaweed Brain?"

"Did you forget...? About our date by Zeus's Fist?"

A look of recognition made it's way into her stormy gray eyes. "Oh...right. I slept early, I was late up the night before studying the laptop from Daedalus."

"Oh, right, sorry. That's cool."

"Yeah," she replied, half-heartedly. Instead Percy caught her looking at something else. Maybe someone else. But they disappeared behind another person before he could see. The campers quickly scurried off to their cabins after the campfire, as there was only 30 minutes left before the Harpies would come out. Percy took his chances and sat beside the fire.

"Goodnight, Wise Girl." He kissed her forehead.

"Night, Seaweed Brain." She merely waved without looking at him and headed towards the Athena cabin.

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