Chapter 13: Operation Chaos

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Continued Directly From Last Chapter

Percy POV

I had made it out of my room. Now I just had to get to the rooms, get their plans, and leave. Maybe also sabotage a bit of their stuff on the way.

My footsteps were quiet from stealth class with Phanes. I also made sur everything was dark, and my night vision goggles were on. What? I wasn't used to the dark surroundings yet, because my room was still lit. But I had a bunch of pillows bundled up to make it look like I was under the covers.

I passed a hallway, and coming up to the second biggest one: the bedroom where Chronos and Ananke slept. I lowered the sound of my footsteps even more, and stopped my breathing altogether. Just one minute, I thought. One minute of holding my breath and being slow and quiet with my footsteps and I'd be at the end of the hallway. 

1, 2, 1, 2, I thought. My right foot, and then my left foot. I looked in their room, and saw two figures under the blankets, which mean they were still in bed. Soon enough, I passed the hallway successfully. 

I made a right, tip-toed down the stairs, and quickly ran across the room. The carpet muffled my footsteps. Now for the hardest part: getting the files. I hid behind curtains whenever there was a window, to escape from the guards stationed outside.  I made another right, then a left. I had arrived at the Planning Room. All of their war files, designs, and plans had been kept here neatly, along with other strategic possibilities. And I knew each one.

I took my key out. It started jingling. Frick, I thought. I grabbed it, and closed my hand around it. It stopped. Slowly, I inserted the key into the door and opened it. The door creaked. I started to panic, and decided I would just go for it. I hurried the door open fully, and went through drawers. I had minutes until the guards would come for their rounds.

I went over to W, for warships. It was one of the first files there. I took it out, and stuffed it in my bag. I reached over to their table, and rolled all of the scrolls for their designs up and put them carefully into my bag. 

Then I got my camera out. Yes, I liked to take pictures of things, it calmed me from thinking about how Phanes wanted Athena, Aphrodite, and Artemis. Don't judge me. I took a picture of their other strategies which were written up on the magic-board. It automatically erased stuff when you snapped your finger, and it was huge. I also took a picture of their maps, which had been marked over for the routes they'd take.

There, I was done. Now to escape.

I went back out, making sure to lock the door. 

Thump. Thump. Thump.

The guards were coming. I scrambled to the other direction. The door was just up ahead. I turned right, and then I turned left. The door was literally right there. I quickly unlocked and ran outside, but stopped.

"Going somewhere?" Phanes snickered.

I was speechless. A few dozen guards were behind him, and Chronos and Ananke were standing beside him. I was so dead.

Phanes came up to me and punched super hard, using his Primordial strength. I fell back, and he landed another punch. I was on the ground now. He picked me up by my collar, turned me around, and put handcuffs on me.

"Mother, Father, where should he go?"

"Search his bag, and then take him to the dungeons." Ananke said.

Phanes ripped my bag off my back, splitting it in two. All of the scrolls, my camera, files, all of it came pouring out.

"Oh wow, Mother, he was trying to steal our plans! Well, we all know what the sentence is if you steal these types of thing, right Father?"

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