Chapter 24: Preparation

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One Year Later

Third POV

"Father, mother, our spies have reports of Chaos being alive. How is that possible?" demanded Phanes.

Chronos and Ananke looked at each other with glee. "Someone took bullets for her, meaning Perseus is dead."

"So the only person who could stop is dead!" Phanes laughed, his parents joining in. 

"Excuse me, milord, but that means we can start to wage war now!" suggested Kronos.

"No, we cannot. It will take years to get the data they burned, even if we memorized all of our plans. Perseus must've told them all about our plans when he escaped with them. Centuries of planning has been wasted, but fear not, we have more numbers and more advantages. We have the element of surprise. We have a stronger army. We have advanced equipment far beyond the gods. While you Titans and Giants attack the Olympians, our soldiers will fight their weak campers and Chaos's army. The Eternals won't be much of a big deal, and once we finish their Eternal leaders or whatever they are, their soldiers will go wacky. And while you finish the campers' leaders off, the gods, we'll go in for Chaos, the final blow. Their generals wiped out very, very soon," explained Chronos.

"That will take a long time, though," grumbled Ananke.

"What's another few years, darling?"

"You're right. Giants, Titans, you are dismissed. Get back to training immediately, and overlook the soldiers' training. We need them above max level."

"Yes my queen," bowed the Giants and Titans. Then they left the room.

Some Place Else

"How are the Eternals and campers training coming along, Chaos?" Nyx asked, sipping Primordial tea. Hers was flavored her favorite, death shadow flavor. Tartarus was sipping regular, blood tea, and Chaos, foamed tea. Weird, right?

"Very well, actually. The campers have started to listen. Their fighting grows stronger, and they enhance their powers. But the Eternals, they have already finished. Perfect in everything, which is what we need. What about your hellhounds?"

"Well, you know me, the hellhounds are all battle-ready. Tartarus, I understand you had a plan so they could keep regenerating?

"Yes," started Tartarus. "I believe the Doors of Death can be used to send the hellhounds back up quickly on to the surface, where they can keep fighting. Any other Primordials on our side?"

"I have gotten Erebeus and my children," said Nyx.

"Good, daughter. Gaea is still sleeping, and will be for a very long time because she recently woke. As for your siblings, Ouranos and Pontus, I am not sure. I think Ouranos will most likely join us, as will Pontus, but we can never be too sure when it comes to them."

"Alright, mother. Make sure to tell Hades to tell the Doors of Death down here," said Tartarus

"Of course, and thank you for helping us, again, my children, even if you are fighting on the Olympians' side."

"Yes, well Percy was our friend, and they killed him. We will get revenge," said Nyx.

Chaos smiled at the two, and disappeared so she could flash somewhere else: the Eternal's Camp. She walked towards Bianca who was sharpening her arrows.

"Bianca," she called.

"Chaos, what's up? How are the campers coming along?"

"Good, actually. Where are the others?"

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