Chapter 9: The Torture Has Only Just Begun

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A Few Days Later

Percy POV

I had travelled from Oklahoma to New Mexico, taking a only a few trips by taxi. It was hot and humid, the weather barren like a desert. The sun seared my skin, I already had two sunburns. I could tell Apollo was being mean to me. I had heard from a water nymph that worked for my father that Artemis said I tried to rape her.  Multiple monsters had attacked me, but not as many as I thought would, because of the extreme heat. The furies also came after me, orders from Hades for apparently trying to "rape" three Olympians.  

My forehead dripped with sweat. Every step was a new burden, heavier and slower than the last. I was walking, but I was panting hard. My chest ached. I felt like dropping on the spot. At the thought, my eyelids got heavy. Black spots danced in my eyes, and I fell forward.

"Nu uh uh, not yet." A voice said. hey made me look up, and I saw Apollo.

"L-lord Apollo," I breathed.

"Perseus the rapist. Has a nice ring to it, eh? I won't let you get a break." He stared into my eyes, and said in a much more demonic voice, "No, not that easily. You'll pay for trying to rape my sister." He punched my face, and I fell back who knows how long.

I was flying in mid-air, and I saw someone coming at me fast. Apollo punched me more, until I hit something. I heard multiple cracks. Apollo came to me and lifted me by my collar, and threw me up. He followed after me, flew higher than me, and then punched me back down with brute force. I hit his car chariot. 

He gently landed next to me, and looked at me with a smile, snapping his fingers. Immediately, I felt the car start to heat up. He could withstand it; he was the sun. But I wasn't. I stifled my screams, the ones of rage and pain. I breathed harder, wanting oxygen. But my body disobeyed me. I couldn't breathe. It's like I forgot how to. I felt my insides start to heat up. I felt my brain literally turn into mush. I felt my blood heating up.

I screamed, unable to hold it in. Apollo chuckled, and snapped his fingers. The car returned to it's normal temperature, air-conditioned.

"May I give you a souvenir?" Apollo took out a very sharp arrow. He dug it into my left arm, and I felt my skin rip away as he carved a word in it. "I'll tell you what it will say. It'll say, 'defiler'. Like it?" He grinned, and continued to rip away at my skin. I felt blood seep into the lines, which stung a lot. Some of the other blood stained my shirt.

"Now, now, I don't want your cursed blood staining my chariot." He spat, and then lifted the arrow. "Sit up." He jerked me forward, sitting against his car window. The next thing he did was unimaginable pain. He looked into my eyes with pure glee, and drove the arrow through my gut. My breath hitched, and he pulled it out.

I didn't know how I survived, but I did.

"Hephaestus is coming by later to upgrade some parts of my chariot. You better hurry cursed little hero, or he'll catch up and destroy you. You also have to endure pain from Hades, Zeus, Hestia surprisingly, but not too surprising. She also wants revenge for her nieces, as well as Demeter. Then there's Hera and Hermes before you get to the three goddesses who's panties you tried to get into. They'll be deciding your punishment at your trial." Apollo snapped his fingers, and I was teleported someplace, where I passed out from exhaustion.

??? POV

"Yes, everything is going according to plan. He must unlock his rage on his own, or everything will fail. We cannot control him. However, we have them under our control, who have betrayed him. And soon, he will want revenge. They'll send him to Tartarus, and everything will be easy from there. From our nephew's home we can take him, manipulate him, and have the game-changer on our side. Then, we will get rid of him. All planned well, isn't it, darling?"

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