Chapter 31: Battle of New Rome

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At the same time as the last chapter

Third POV

"Dakota!" yelled the legionnaires.

Three Eternals as well as three gods had flashed to Camp Jupiter. Dakota, Castor and Ethan all had their hoods pulled down while Aphrodite, Hephaestus and Apollo appeared in the camp in their Roman forms.

"Yep, it's me. I was known as Leopard to you all, and Castor, my Greek half-brother, was known as Vex. Ethan over here is also Greek, and you all know him as Razor. We also have Lady Venus, Lord Apollo and Lord Vulcan here with us today for a reason. The reason is because we are going to be attacked."

"What?" mutters rang through the crowd.

"Wait!" It was Frank.

"Yes?" asked Ethan.

"Who was the eleventh Eternal? Since you all are revealed?"

"Well, there's Ethan, Dakota and I here. Zoe and Luke are at Camp Half-Blood, and Lee, Michael, Silena, Charles and Bianca are at Camp Eternal, gathering them. As for the eleventh Eternal, the one who died for Chaos and took bullets for her, his name was Perseus Jackson, or Percy. And just so you know, he swore on the River Styx that he never tried to rape three goddesses. He was simply accused of it. The three goddesses were under the control of the enemy, and were forced to tell lies." replied Ethan with a cold demeanor. 

"It's true!" said Venus, Apollo and Vulcan nodding with her. At this, guilty looks appeared on everyone's faces.

"I want the gods, Praetors and Centurions with me. I will give you instructions. Castor, Ethan, I trust you to lead the campers to a better formation and to protect the city and barracks above all." said Dakota.

Castor and Ethan nodded at Dakota and quickly shuffled the demigods away from the gods and their Praetors. Then they all turned to Dakota.

"Dakota, is that really..." asked Frank, with tears pooling in his eyes.

Dakota gave a neutral expression. He really didn't like it how they treated Percy, but then again, he had already made up with his father. But maybe he hadn't. He simply was glad to see him again, but he didn't forgive Dionysus for his harsh treatment to Percy. So Dakota simply nodded and offered a small smile.

"Praetors and Centurions, I expect you to lead the legionnaires into battle wisely. First and Second Cohorts will be distributed along the west side of the camp, and the Third and Fourth Cohorts on the east side to protect the city. Our weak points would be the South and the North, so I want traps set along the hills and cannons aimed directly at the hills. We'll have a few Lares protect those sides and man the cannons. Centurions of the first two cohorts will join Lady Venus and Ethan at the east side. Lord Apollo will go with Castor at the west side.  I'll be at the south and north constantly, the two Centurions of the Fifth Cohort split and commanding their own group of legionnaires to help the Lares. Lord Vulcan, please help with setting traps and getting the cannons and everything prepared. You will act as our last force, help wherever is needed just as I will, along with the Praetors who I will require to be split up along the north and south as well. It is a very important role, so I need you on your best just as I ask everyone else be on their best."

Everyone nodded, and people started to split up and go where they were needed. Venus walked with the Centurions to the east side, while Apollo went to meet up with Castor at the west. Dakota went to the north side, Vulcan to the south. Hazel left with Vulcan, deciding to let Frank catch up with Dakota. She knew how important he was to him, and she didn't want the son of Vulcan's wife's lover to be with Vulcan, it would be weird.

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