Chapter 21: Camp Eternal

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Chaos POV


There Percy was, dead in my arms. And then his body just... vanished. How did that happen? 

"Where did he go?" Lee cried.

"He's... he's probably gone to the Underworld. I sensed him..." Bianca said.

We all looked at her. I could see tears in everyone's eyes. My very own boyfriend had taken bullets for me, and then his dead body disappeared. How does that make sense? But if Bianca said he died, then I guessed he died.

"It's a little weird that he vanished like that, though." the daughter of the underworld added.

But no one paid attention to her. It was official; Percy was dead. I took a shaky breath, and felt Silena's comforting hands on my shoulders. I stood up.

"We're going to tell them what happened. And then we're going to tell them what Percy and I had been talking about for a long time."

"And what's that?" Michael sniffled.

"He's always talked about making a camp, I'll explain more later." I said as I stepped out of the room with the other behind me. I made my way to where everyone was gathered. Whispers filled the air as lots wondered why the Elite were crying.

"We have some news," Zoe started.

"Percy, or Order, the leader of the Elite, has died."

Gasps were heard.

"Is this a joke?" Gray yelled. 

"If so it's not funny!" Conroy added, and more people started to agree and shout.


My statement shut them up quickly, which was the desired effect. I took another breath and said, "Percy always talked about a new life. He wanted to make his own camp, where he would be able to guide it well and make sure everyone was together, on the same page. No one would be betrayed like he did."

"How was he betrayed?"

"That's his story to tell Zuri," Luke said.

"Right now we are headed to Long Island, New York, in the US. There we will build a camp like Percy always wanted us to, and train to our best ability!"

"YEAH!" The Eternals roared.

"Then get ready, because we're basically there!"

Then they started rushing around. It made me happy to see that they were into this, to do this for Percy. But I took a look at the Elite, and their eyes looked sunken. Tears stained their cheeks. Some of their hands shook a bit. I bet I was exactly the same.

"Come on, guys. Let's get ready. We can settle in on the island, and get some rest."

They didn't move. They were too busy staring at a picture of all of us on the wall, Percy included. The boys were making silly faces. Zoe and Bianca were back-to-back, arms crossed across their chests and standing high on the rocks. Charles was in the middle of kissing Silena on the cheek. Luke and Castor were cheering him on. Percy was taking the selfie with me in his arms. We were kissing on the lips, which made me miss him even more. 

"Guys, snap out of it. I know, its a... big thing. But right now we need to focus."

"Chaos! We're trying to honor him, to have some time to respectfully mourn for him! We just lost our best friend and you expect us to be back on our feet? You don't know Percy like we do. You don't love him as much as we do." Luke raged. Then he clamped a hand over his mouth.

Percy Jackson's New Side - Order: Reborn To ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now