Chapter 1: Attractive Much?

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Few months after the second giant war: Percy is still 17 years old

Third POV

Percy strolled through Camp Jupiter, coming back from the arena. Annabeth and him had decided that they would settle in New Rome, and they could pursue what they wanted to peacefully.

Apparently Apollo had been demoted to a mortal, but the reason why was still a mystery.

"Sup Terminus." He said as he walked past the statue.


Percy looked ahead, his apartment just another building away. Suddenly Piper ran up to him, and shook him causing him to bring his sword out.

"Sorry, don't scare me like that." He looked down, putting Riptide away. That's when he noticed Piper was crying.


"What happened?" He asked, his voice full of concern.

"We broke up." She sobbed into his shoulder. His jaw was left hanging, but he quickly closed it and started to comfort his close friend.

"Why?" He asked, softly. He immediately regretted it. Stupid big mouth. You don't ask someone why they break up, Perce. That's so insensitive! He thought to no one in particular.

"It's just too much going on..." She trailed off, and started wailing again.

"It's going to be okay. Just take a deep breath." He told her, but she didn't seem to hear him. "Piper, deep breath."

She inhaled and exhaled.

"Good, now do it three more times." He rubbed circles on her back, calming her down a bit more. She breathed deep three more times, just as he asked her to do. That seemed to stop the crying.

"Look at me," he whispered, and wiped the tears from her red puffy eyes.


"Don't be. Want to hang out with Annabeth and I?"

"Thanks," she hugged him, and he hugged her back.

They walked to his apartment, where he knew his Wise Girl would be waiting for him. Silently walking up the stairs to his room, he found Annabeth tapping his foot.

"What took you-oh..." Annabeth rushed forward to Piper, and Percy let go so they could hug.

"Break-up, mutual." Percy said, and Annabeth understood while wiping new tears from Piper's eyes.

"Come on in," Annabeth gestured to where Percy opened the door, and the three walked inside.

One Week Later

"You know, Percy, hanging out with you has made me feel a lot better since our break-up." Piper sighed, letting her legs swing in the air from where she sat beside him. 

Percy smiled, happy he could do something for his friend. He had also talked with Jason a few times, and he remembered saying something similar. Piper and Jason hung out once more, but would take a while to get back to be real friends again.

"Anything for you, Pipes."

Out of the blue, she said, "I'm going to go hang out with Frank now, see ya." She suddenly got up and left.

"Bye." Percy called out after her, and frowned. Now that she was feeling better, it seemed he wasn't needed anymore. Whatever, Percy thought.

Three Months Later

Sorry For All The Time Skips, Just Need To Get This Story Going

Third POV

The rock skipped across the water. 7, 8, 9, Percy counted in his head as he watched his best record. College had started, and things were even more busy. Reyna had boy problems, Nico came to him about Will, even Hazel about Frank and Calypso about Leo.

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