Chapter 12: Real Freedom or Fake Freedom?

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Percy POV

Clack. That was my 36,500th line on the wall. Today marked the day of staying in this hell hole for 100 years. A whole century. And Zeus and the other gods wouldn't come back to get me, no they wouldn't. A few weeks after the Giants tortured me, the Titans showed up. They were also under Lord Chronos and Lady Ananke, Chronos who I soon figured out was not the Titan, but a primeval. I felt like this had to do something with my small encounter with Chaos, but I didn't even know Chaos had siblings. They weren't written down anywhere or mentioned. 

Anyway, that meant Kronos was here. He made time slower for me, but at the same time for everyone else. On Earth, it would have been five years now, meaning I was 23 on Earth. Not bad, not bad. Basically, Kronos made my life 20 time slower. Each torture time lasted longer for me, literally. That means wounds took longer to heal. They also fed me only three times a week, and not much. I didn't even bother to eat much of what they gave me. It was a game to them, but it was my freedom and survival to me. I looked at myself in the mirror, which was right across from my cell. 

I was a bleeding mess. My skin was tainted red, and literally covered in blood. You couldn't see any of my peachy, original skin-tone.  My ribs were sticking out of my dried, mahogany-colored blood. Purple bruises lined my back, sides, and legs. Cuts were mostly made on my arms, chest, and legs. A huge scar was in the middle of my face. Bones also stuck out of my leg and arms, and little shards of sharp things like glass and steel had been dug into my skin. 

Suddenly, there was a noise.

"You did WHAT to him?" A man came in front of my cell, accompanied by a lady They gasped at my appearance.

The man had golden-green eyes, and wore a white toga.  I noticed parts of his skin was a bit scaly. White wings protruded from his back, sort of matching his long, light gray beard. He world simple sandals.

The lady wore a white chiton hemmed with gold. In her right hand she gripped a beautiful spindle, consisting of shades of purple. Her long, black hair drifted down just past her shoulder. It was streaked with purples and blues. Her eyes were violet swirling mysteries. She wore simple sandals, too.

"Who are you?"

"Chronos, and my wife Ananke."

I gasped. Not because of who they were, but what Chaos told me. What the Fates told me. 

They are coming. Don't fall for their ruse. Make the right decision. They are coming. My brother and sister. Two choices. They are coming. Don't fall for their ruse. THEY ARE COMING.

The voices whispered and echoed through my head. 

"Yes, we are who we are."

"Why are you here? To torture me?" I croaked.

"No. They disobeyed our orders, did they not, darling?"

"But-" Kronos tried to protest, but Chronos shut him up with a glare.

"Yes, dear, they did." Ananke agreed.

"Release the man." Chronos ordered.

Two Earthborn shakily came forward and unlocked my cell. I couldn't believe it. Freedom was right there.

They came inside and unlocked my chains, then grabbed me by my wrists and forced my hands behind me. 

"ARGH!" I cried.

"Let him go! He is free. He will stay with us and heal from our disobedient Titans and Giants. Come now, Perseus."

I hobbled forward, one shaky leg after the next. I just had to go with them, heal, and then leave. I remembered her warning. Make the right choice, they're coming for you, don't fall for their ruse. I think I knew what it meant now.

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