Epilogue: Reborn To Return

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One Year Later

Third POV

"Game over," was the words that rung through everyone's head. They remembered how in the past year, Giants and Titans alike had been revived. The gods had all come close to fading multiple times. Demigods, hellhounds, legionnaires and Eternals had all been brought to life by walking again through the Doors of Death. The Primordials hadn't died, as they were the ones reviving everyone. 

Now there was a another raging battle at Olympus. Typhon had ben revived lots of times, and this time he seemed more aggressive.  Everyone was more aggressive and annoyed as they had been fighting several battles. That is until someone was held at gun-point.

"Surrender now, Chaos. All of you! Watch! I have your beloved leader at gun-point!" Aeon laughed while literally holding the same gun that almost killed Chaos years ago was now being aimed at her again. And she heard the click as he loaded it. 

The battle came to a cease-fire as everyone watched in either glee or horror at the sight. Tartarus advanced, wanting to help his mother. He screamed in rage as he lunged forward. But Aeon shot her in the leg. She screamed in pain, wanting to desperately clutch her leg and hold it close, but Aeon had a firm grip on her. 

"Don't move forward or this time I'll shoot her in the stomach. I can still heal her."

Tartarus looked angered, but he stood still in fear his mother would get killed. Aeon grinned and laughed manically. Ananke wanting to let her husband let out his laughs, she spoke for him.

"I want everyone to drop their weapons and get down on their knees. Surrender to the people who will be chaining you up. Any slight move of resistance will result in getting someone you loved killed. Game over." As Ananke said that, the Olympians were chained up and now had swords at their throats. Even two of the Elite had swords at their throats. 

Everyone did as they asked. They carefully put their weapons down and got on their knees. Immediately two people for every person got out chains and tightly tied everyone up.  They forced the prisoners-of-war up and towards a portal to Aeon's and Ananke's war palace. 

Each one was grouped into a big cluster and was shocked at the sight they had travelled to. A dungeon. Grimy and moldy, with a foul odor and a horrifying appearance. The cells were somewhat small, and many were crammed into one all at once. The room was dimly lit, and at the far end there were even many different bugs crawling around. Most almost threw up at the sight and smell as they were forced into the old dusty cells. 

Meanwhile, the leaders were led to a different dungeon. Well, not a dungeon, a torture chamber. Tartarus and Eros were chained up to the wall. The Olympians were brought into the chamber by their Giant Banes and the Titans who hooked them up to different tormenting devices. Well, only the male Olympians. Artemis, Athena and Aphrodite were now in Phanes's arms, much to their dismay and fear. Hestia was being drooled over by some Titans along with a couple of the Giants playing around with Hera and Demeter. The Fates were tied up. Chaos was pulled in on a stretcher with doctors tending to her, and Aeon's hands way too close to her private areas as he felt like taking advantage of her while hurt. Soon enough every single person that was a prisoner was stripped naked. But that wasn't all he had planned.

"Bring him in," growled Aeon.

A minor god was brought in, and Hades paled as he realized what Aeon was going to do. Aeon went over to Thanatos and plucked the tablet from his hands as he kicked the god away. Thanatos had little energy left but he still managed to struggle against his guards to get the tablet back. Aeon grinned evilly as he typed in someone's name.

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