Chapter 11: In the Deep, Dark Depths of my Great-Grand Uncle

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Percy POV

I didn't know how long it had been since I'd been throw down here. Well, maybe I did. I still had my watch. I didn't know how many hours had passed, so I used Riptide as a tall-marker and made a line for every two times the minute-hand reached twelve. So far, there were three tally-marks. I had been here for about three days.

Lots of monsters came by to greet me. Our conversations pretty much went like this:

Monster: Hello tasty-looking demigod!

Me: Not another one of you/ Not you again.

Monster: Yes me! Now surrender or I'll have to kill you.

Me: No thanks.

Monster: THEN KILL-TIME! *runs at me*

Me: *slices them up with Riptide*

Monster: You will pay! My brother and sisters will- *monster turns into golden dust*

Me: You were saying?

I had to keep moving which means I couldn't keep track on the ground. Plus, that'd me weird to make weird marks like that on literal skin, because Tartarus and all. So you guessed right. I made tally-marks on myself. Until I found a place to at least get some protection and survive, I had to count days on the palm of my hand. 

I know what you readers are thinking. 


It is, and I know that. After everything that's happened lately, I don't care anymore. The pain barely stings. After all I've ben through, I've learned to manage some pain.   I haven't had anything to eat yet. If I didn't have anything, I would be dead soon. A human can only last without food for so long... 

I continued to walk, and walk, and walk. I kept walking. I didn't know why, but I checked the time after every time I encountered a monster, which was often. 

I started to feel tired, but I couldn't trust myself to wake up when there is a danger and the monsters were quiet about it. Ah well, I was going to die down here. Might has well not try to delay the inevitable. So I fell asleep. On my great-great-grand uncle. Weird right? I know.

As soon as I got in a comfortable position, I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me. I thought it would be different and I could have a nice dream, since I was in the middle of a bad, real nightmare. But no, I just couldn't.

The Fates appeared again, and so did the hooded man. The hooded man seemed lifeless like a statue underneath the floating goddesses. You couldn't even see the rise and fall of his shoulders, indicating he wasn't breathing at first glance. But I knew very well he was. The man sat in the lotus position, his hands relaxing comfortable on his knees. He reminded me of a Buddha. Except a really scary, hooded and mysterious one.

"Remember Perseus?"

"Remember what?" I asked.

"Remember what we told you?"

"That everything is not as it seems?"

"Yesss, good. Now we will tell you another thing to remember. They are coming. He's coming. Once they do, you will be offered a choice. We cannot choose that path for you. We cannot weave your fate. You must decide, and make the correct option. Make the wrong one, and everything falls into destruction, because with dwelling on one thing for too long comes with hatred and vengeance, blood and greed. Make the right one, and with patience, will come beautiful things. Goodbye...."

"Wait! Don't go! Who's coming?! What option?!" I tried to grab for them, but they disappeared. Now all that was left was the hooded man.

"Do you know what they were talking about?" I hopelessly asked the figure.

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