Prologue: Unusual Meeting

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(After The Second War-Leo Has Returned, but quicker this time, Percy is 17.)


"Hey Wise Girl" I slung my arm around my girlfriend.

"Hey Seaweed Brain." She rested her head on my shoulder in response.

Everything was perfect. After being the the center of two prophecies, I had wanted some rest time. We rebuilt everything Gaea had destroyed, with the help of the gods. They decided everything could be back to normal quicker if they helped. My girlfriend was the head architect, of course being the one of Olympus, too. Everyone else saw fit that she would be in charge of the designs for camp rebuilt.

Leo had also returned, about a week ago. And what better way to return than almost crashing Festus? He had brought a surprise with him: Calypso. 

The thought sent a pang of guilt clouding over in my heart. But maybe it turned out for the best. They got closer and closer, and Jason, Frank and I couldn't stop pestering him to go and ask her out. Well, Frank not as much as Jason and I. We also bothered Frank, telling him to go ask Hazel out.

But the best of all, I finally got to spend time with Annabeth without anything stopping us. Even Athena had given us her blessing! Albeit, she gave it very reluctantly.

We both sat in silence, each other's company was enough for us. I looked at my beautiful wise girl, the sun lighting up her blonde curls, and her grey eyes as dazzling as ever. The waves lapped over one another, sometimes reaching the tips of our toes. I sighed in content, wanting to rest some more. But something appeared in front of us.

"Hey dad." I smiled at the iris message in front of me.

"Lord Poseidon," Annabeth said.

My dad greeted the both of us and said, "Son, Annabeth, you are requested on Olympus. Get here as soon as you can." With that, my father cut through the message, and Annabeth and I looked at each other in curiosity.

"Let's go, Wise Girl."

She pecked my cheek and we walked together to the Big House. Dionysus wasn't there, probably at the council meeting. But Chiron was sitting outside overlooking the Demeter kids in the strawberry fields.

"Chiron, we're gonna be late for dinner. The gods requested us to go meet them."

"Of course, Perseus, I shall have Argus take you there."

As if on cue, Argus's van honked down the hill. We waved to Chiron and made our way through the strawberry fields and up the hill, meeting the other seven who told us they were coming along as well. Without a word we hopped into the van and Argus drove off.

A while later we arrived at the Empire State Building. The long, grand skyscraper bathed in the setting sun's rays, it's windows shiny and clean. Argus decided to stay out, and be our getaway driver as soon as we were done.

"Key to the 600th floor please. And don't bother saying there is none, because unless you want a handful of hellhounds here after three children of the Big Three, I suggest you give the key over please. We have a very strong scent."

The man overcame his shock quickly and handed us the key.

"Nice one." Jason whispered in my ear as he pressed the elevator button and we walked inside.

"Stupid elevator music." Piper muttered.

"I like it," Hazel said, but quickly changed her mind when Piper gave her a look. "Never mind I don't. It's so annoying."

"What do you think they want with us?" Frank asked what was on all of our minds.

"Maybe a quest?" Leo suggested, but quickly shut up after everyone groaned.

"We're about to find out." Annabeth walked out of the elevator first, followed by the other six.

We walked straight to the throne room, and opened the marble doors to the throne room. Before us, all twelve Olympians (In the book there are twelve) were seated on their tall thrones, each 40 feet tall. Nico, Thalia, and Reyna, all having important roles too.

"DEMIGODS!" Zeus roared.

"Lord Zeus." I bowed, and my friends did as well.

"Rise, and claim your rewards."

(Author here-This scene is so dramatic, I don't want to put you all through it. Lol.)


The demigods walked out, all eager with their prizes. Jason had gotten Pontifex Maximus, Percy wished for all the minor gods to be recognized and also wished for the thrones of Hades and Hestia (I edited his wish for a reason), Annabeth was the Architect of Olympus, and so on.

"Thalia." Artemis's tone was sharp behind the the demigods.

"Bye Kelp Head." Thalia gave one last hug to Percy before reluctantly stepping away and walking over to Artemis.

"Until next time, demigods." Artemis nodded, and flashed away with Thalia, and the rest of them looked away.

"Well, time to relax and wait for another war." Percy joked. No one agreed but no one disagreed.

The demigods would have to wait . Until then, they would go around to recognize the minor gods, doing the best they can to do so in both camps while also uniting them.


At Percy's Cabin

Wow, that was really good food, I thought. I slipped under my covers, and drifted off to sleep. But it wasn't peaceful, not one bit.

Before me stood a hooded man. Nothing was visible, not his hands, feet, or face. He was just wearing a cloak. The hooded man started to glow, and a green wisp emerged from his chest. I was standing before the people I did not expect to see.

"Fates." I bowed.

"Perseus Jackson, the hero of Olympus."

"The Destroyer of Gaea and Kronos, and many more."

I simply nodded, and turned to the third fate who was going to say something.

"The betrayed, the lost, the reborn, and the prophesied savior."

Then, just as quickly as they appeared, they disappeared in a green puff of smoke.

What did they mean by that?

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