Chapter 27: He's A New Man

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A Day Later

Percy POV

I woke up, gasping. At least, I think I'm awake now. The dream was terrifying. Except it wasn't a dream. It was an alternate reality, because I was actually blind. According to Aeon, I was in a coma where I had literally relived my "previous" life and had caught up with the present events. I had information on everyone. And then I woke up from the coma into another reality where Aeon told me I woke up from a coma. He had the Fates cut my string, but when I didn't die, he blinded me. Then there was my dream, Camp Freedom. That being said, my dream was buried deep in a graveyard now, having been burned to the ground. 

But I didn't understand one thing.

That Fates had cut my string, so why wasn't I dead? I shouldn't be living, I should be in the Underworld. But then it came to me. I was technically already in the Underworld, the more good side of me trapped inside my soul. Well, not exactly trapped. I had also remembered seeing the string disappear along with this tiny circle right before the place crumbled away. Another thing surfaced in my mind. If the good side was in the Underworld, does that mean that I am bad? Was I evil and diabolic? Have I done anything wrong yet? Technically I was a criminal, running away from a crime scene by turning Gabe into stone even though he deserved it.

One thing was true, though. I was officially blind. I couldn't see anything. I just saw black. I couldn't even see the red of my blood. 

I sat up, not really knowing if I did or didn't. My hands creeped around everywhere, feeling the bedsheets I was sitting on. Wait. I was in someone's house. Last thing I remember seeing before I was in a coma was me in a forest. So who's house was I in? 

A smell disturbed my thoughts. It smelled good, tasty. I wasn't alone. Who was cooking? I silently, or tried to silently get off the bed. But the springs creaked. I ignored it, and landed on a soft ground below me. Walking forward and feeling with my hands, I made my way over to somewhere a few steps. The wall. Tracing my hands along it I walked forward until I was met with a gap. It was a door. I trudged out, and immediately felt the change in the ground. The floor felt like wood. My feet slid across the floor, because I could sense thumping below me. I was clearly on a higher floor, above the first story. I had to be careful for any stairs I might step and fall on.

I was frustrated at myself. I couldn't even do a simple thing. I couldn't even walk forward. I had to be careful, to at least have a little help. I was so.... weak.

I felt it. The sudden change in level. I pointed my toes, as if I was dipping one in a pool of water. I couldn't feel any floor. My feet connected with another stair. Balancing quickly and stepping down again, I felt the next stair. I was careful not to misjudge my steps or I'd go tumbling down the stairs. After going down one at a time, I had finally reached the last step. The floor was even now.

I brought my hands up and traced the wall again. This time, I could clearly hear someone. 

"Ah, you're awake," the voice whispered. It was barely audible, nothing more than a voice. But it soothed me. It was a calm, nurturing voice.

"Who are you?"


"That doesn't make sense."

"I never said it was supposed to. Let me explain in a way as simple as possible. I know you, for you are Perseus Jackson. But you do not know me, even though I am just another form of you, someone you should know. In even more simple words, I am you."

I was beyond confused now. "So you aren't real?" 

"Oh I am as real as it gets. You simply have unlocked the ability to create more versions of you, something very confusing and complex to explain. But over time you will understand. All you need to know is that I am you, and that you have created me subconsciously. You will know how you did it and how it's a useful ability to have, for you are the first to ever master it. For now, call me Unknown."

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