Chapter 4: Wisdom Finally Helps Me

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A Few Days After Ares Beat Percy Up

Percy POV

I had just started walking again, after Ares beat me up. News spread like wildfire, and the new campers thought I was really weak and some of the older ones I didn't know too well were a little disappointed, judging by their faces. So far, my cover story of gangsters was working well. At least, for the most part it was. It felt terrible saying I lost to bunch of wimpy gangsters, but I needed to figure out why Aphrodite would lie before I say anything else.

Sadly, I couldn't just walk up to Olympus and demand to meet her, much less accuse her of lying. That would be overkill.

I focused back on my walking, steady as ever. The question on my mind was: Why did Aphrodite lie? It didn't seem like her, and something was definitely off. I needed to get this off my chest, but I didn't know who to trust. Actually, I did.

I walked to the Big House, and waited for about 5 minutes before my Wise Girl showed up. She was probably going over plans for something, maybe a new addition to the camp or a temple on Olympus, maybe even strategies for Capture the Flag.

"Hey Wise Girl."

"Hey, Seaweed Brain. Shouldn't you be resting?" She pecked me on the lips, and I pecked her on the cheek.

"Nah, I just thought about something. I decided to come to you for something. Wanna go somewhere private? It's a lot to take in."

"Uh, sorry, Seaweed Brain. My mom wants me to...uh...go design a new addition for her in her library."

"Oh, well that definitely important. Go ahead, I don't want to block your genius."

"Yeah, don't." She almost scoffed, and I frowned. She was acting a little weird, lately, and it didn't go unnoticed. I shrugged it off and headed to the next person I trusted the most: Rachel. I made my way over to Rachel's cave as quickly as possible.

"Rachel!" I called.

No answer. I turned around, and saw her standing at the doorway, or cave mouth/opening.

"Yeah? Sorry, I was taking a little tour. What do you need?"

"A lot of things."

Rachel seemed to take this seriously, and motioned to her couch. I sat down, and I was overwhelmed by how comfy it was. I snug deeper into the couch holds, but someone coughed.

Rachel cleared her throat. "What's up? This seems serious?"

"You have to promise not to tell anyone; swear it."

Rachel looked wide-eyed for a moment, but nodded quickly. "I swear on the Styx that whatever is told in this cave here today is only for the both of us, unless we both agree to tell someone with the other's permission."

I sighed. "Thanks. Basically, it all started with a dream I had of the Fates. They showed me a hooded man, the same on in your visions. After that, they said that the hooded man was thee betrayed, the lost, the reborn, and the prophesized savior. Weird, right? Also, Annabeth has been acting weird. She seems distant, cold, even. She literally rolled her eyes and smirked when she left the infirmary after I was injured. She was happy that I was hurt."

"One thing you're missing, Percy. Why were you hurt?" Rachel asked.

"Well, it's been one year and a half since the war has been over, right? In the past 6 months, I have had rally weird things happen to me. First three months after I turned 17, lots of our female friends, Piper, Hazel, Calypso, and more, all came to me about their respective boyfriends or crush or whatever. Then they left all of a sudden, like I was just something used for a week. After that, Hera came to me that Zeus cheated again. He advised her to go see it from demigods' view and to try to be nicer to them, and she was mad. To get back at him, she came to me, the demigod Zeus hates the most. We became friends. About a month later, we stopped meeting each other. She thought it would be better if we went separate ways."

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