Chapter 15: One Word: Tartarus.

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Percy POV

I smiled, and pulled out Riptide. It looked amazing, and sleek. Half of the sword of made of Stygian Iron, so it was half bronze-colored and half black-colored. Orange and white streaks wrapped around the sword like tiger stripes. Black glitter stuck to my sword, and some even floated around it, making it mystical-looking. My sword being in the waters of Acheron didn't do much, but designs started to show. Purple-red streaks joined the orange and white ones, and I couldn't help but smile. My sword looked deadly.  I also noticed that the very tip had started turning gold, probably because of Acheron. He most likely turned it into Imperial Gold. I had all three metals forged into one sword. Pretty cool, huh?

I walked further down from the river, and heard other signs of water. This is the point where all of the rivers met up, at the heart of Tartarus. I looked around. Yep. The rivers all formed into one little pond. It looked beautiful, orange, purple, black, white all of the rivers' colors were mixed in. Well, orange fires danced across the pond. Cave mouths were everywhere, and I couldn't see much. The ground was definitely regular earth, but covered by a black mist. Obsidian cliffs surrounded the area, making only one place to escape. The air felt cold and hostile, and black trees without branches sprouted from the ground, covering everything else. Red clouds hung in the air, but I didn't control these ones. Not yet.

I reached down to touch the pond, but a voice stopped me.

"Perseus Jackson. Last time you escaped me, but you won't this time." His voice drew me backwards, making me dizzy.

I faced Tartarus. He was standing at a huge height. His Stygian iron boots the size of coffins was enough to tell me he was huge, and his purple legs were rather muscle-y as well. The golden armor he wore shone with the faces of Gorgons, Hellhounds, dragons, etc.  His fingers were razor-sharp talons. His face was the most terrifying of all. It was like a whirlpool of darkness while red eyes stared directly at me.

 I had no chance of surviving against him. Not one. Sure, I had cool powers from the rivers and had the same powers as Nyx, but would it be enough to stop him?

"I've always wanted to kill you. And now I have the chance. No one will come to your aid. You are doomed. You see, when you escaped-"

I droned out. What? When your enemy starts with "when", you know it's going to be long.

I quickly went over the information stored in my mind. I had complete powers of shadows and darkness, and am able to make them solid. I have night vision. No  wonder it looked awfully bright down here, I thought. I also have control over nocturnal animals. I can shadow travel, and hide in shadows and darkness with complete invisibility. I can heal people using darkness, only minor, though. Nyx can control the movement and rotation of planets, which is how she turns day into night. That would take a lot of practice to do. I am also stronger in dark places, which is good. I can shoot beams of darkness, wow. And I can cover anyone in pitch-black, dark clouds.

Other benefits, there was fire and water all around me.  I had the powers of the rivers, Nyx, and my father. Either I survive, or go down fighting. No other choice. I readied myself as he completed his story.

"-and now I can finally kill you! Prepare for death!" He gleefully said. Then, he snapped his fingers. A dozen hellhounds appeared.

I sighed, rolled my eyes, and twirled Riptide around. I controlled the red clouds now, so each hellhound dropped to the floor, unconscious. 

"Oh? That's how you want to play?! Perseus, I hope you do understand my abilities. I can kill you with a mere thought. I've sucked up Titans' essences into my armor. I can suppress your power, just like this." He snapped his fingers, and I started to feel a tug on me. It was like he wanted to rip my brain apart. I started to feel torn, split in half. But I had to remember that I wouldn't be defeated this easily, and that I made a promise. So I inhaled sharply, and shot beams of fire at him. 

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