Chapter 10: Why'd You Lead Me On Like This?!

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One Day Later

Percy POV

"Ah, Camp Jupiter," I sighed. Zeus hasn't come to me. Not yet. I knew what he was going to do. Either way, my friends would believe him whether they saw me get punished or not. And Zeus would find me, whether he wanted to display it or not. It's best to get done with it.

 I walked towards the tunnel, where a guard stopped me.

"Halt. What is your name?"

"Perseus Jackson, son of Neptune." I met her gaze evenly.

"You may go." The guard let me pass through. I walked into the tunnel, and emerged in front of the familiar Little Tiber. Stepping into it, I let it give me strength. I breathed deeply as I heard a voice.

"Perseus Jackson!" Jupiter glowered.

I stepped out of the river, passed the cohorts and barracks, and came to the Field of Mars. Standing in all his glory was Jupiter, just a little above human size. 

Demigods started to gather, and started whispering amongst one another. They formed a circle around the field, giving space for a fight. I knew what he wanted. He wanted to humiliate me, in front of my friends. He wanted to defame my name. He knew what was holding me together, and he'd planned this perfectly. 

"You have been accused of the rape of three Olympians. I shall punish you, and the three goddesses whom you advanced on will decided your eternal punishment at your trial."

The demigods didn't even try to hide it anymore. They started talking louder, some looking at me with anger. 

Jupiter knew that the Romans weren't fond of Neptune. Now they have a a son of Neptune, Greek-born, getting what he deserves. At least, in their minds.

"Stop with the formalities, Lord Jupiter!" I laughed, shocking lots. "I know what  you've came for. I'm ready. Beat me up, in front of my brothers and sisters. Beat me up, in front of my friends. Beat me up, in front of my family if you dare." At that last sentence I snapped my fingers, and busted a pipe. Water came rushing out. I flipped a drachma into it. "Oh Lady Iris, show me Sally Jackson, living in her apartment in New York."

The iris message shifted to my mother, who was sitting on the couch.

"Lord Jupiter!" I turned to him, just knowing I got my mom's attention. I looked behind me and saw an image of the Olympians, watching attentively. I turned back to my tormentor and said,  "I know you wish to defame me. I know you wish to humiliate me. I know you think that I have tried to rape three goddesses. I do hope one day you will find out the truth. But that day is not today. And because of that and your betrayal, I will  NOT fight for Olympus, ever again!" I spoke with confidence, walking slowly towards him. I knew I definitely had all eyes on me now. 

Walking up to Jupiter, I got out my pen. He got in a fighting stance. I dropped it to the ground, and kneeled. Gasps were heard. "If you so wish to punish me, then do what you please. I know for a fact you will send me to Tartarus, with glee, won't you, Lord Jupiter?"

I had trapped him now. He was honor-bound to answer my question. I'd at least get something out of being wounded. If he said yes, the Romans would see him as someone who wants to torment and rule in fear. If he says no, people will still rebel, telling him it's not fair if he's saying the truth and whatnot.

"Yes," he said, and then clamped a hand over his mouth. No one rebelled. Not a single person. They believed Jupiter. Of course they did.

I stood up, and stared him right in the eye. I hoped my voice was deadly calm, but powerful and resonating. "Then hit me with all you've got! Because if I come back again, I won't be nice anymore." I said, arms wide-open. 

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