Chapter 18: So, Will You?

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1 Year Later

Percy POV

I had finally done it. I had completed my training. It only took a year. I was stronger than my friends, stronger than my teachers. I had beat Orpheus in everything he's taught me, same thing with Theseus and Achilles. I had sparred with my friends and won every single time. I had learned to control every power like elements, gravity, flying, teleporting without portals, reading minds, shape-shifting, making random things appear, etc. And for the final exam, I had to beat Chaos, and I did. I could defeat Chaos, which is a big thing if you ask me.

And now, I could see this great city Chaos wanted me to see.

"You ready?" Luke grinned, hauling his bags over his shoulders.

We would stay there for quite some time, maybe a few months before I'd start going back in between the two places to train the regular Eternals and to check-up on the city.

"Duh! You've seen it before, but I haven't. And don't you dare spoil it for me."

"I got your back, dude." He clapped me on the shoulder.

Us eleven have gotten really close. Like, really close. Charles was planning to do something, but I don't know what. It was probably a prank like usual. We always, always played pranks on each other. That's how we got close, like that one time Luke and Zoe were trapped together in a wardrobe. We've done training missions before, joked with each other, even got through hard times, all in just one year. And we still had more to go.

I picked my bags up and headed outside where the rest of the team was arranging their bags into the lead warship's storage. We'd also have two more platoons come with us as the personal guards of Chaos, being the ruler and all. We could teleport there, but most of the team suggested we make an entrance. Plus, we had some errands to run. 

I got in the warship along with the others, and we took off. Then one thing occured to me.

"Where's Chaos?" I asked, worried.

"She's in the front." Ethan said.

"Someone's a little worried for their crush." Silena said. Everyone laughed, and I blushed. I may have forgotten to mention that on purpose. It was true. I really liked her, as we have gotten close.  I didn't know how I fell for her when I have a crush on three others, but I did. I escaped from the room and went up to the front of the warship into Chaos's room. She was sitting on her bed, reading a book.

"Hey," I walked in. "Can I sit there?" 

"Um, yeah, sure of course not, I mean, of course." She said really awkwardly.

"What are you reading?"

"Just a book from a mortal's store." She put it away, and faced me. Our hands made contact for a moment, and I looked away knowing there was a blush on my face. I couldn't help but notice that she took a more human form these days. Black hair, tanned skin, crop-top with jeans, soft lips, sort-of defined jaw, and of course her striking galactic eyes. I got lost every time I looked at them, just melting in her swirls of white, blue, pink, purple and green specks in her black eyes.

"Are you excited?"

"Definitely. I can't wait to see what this oh-so-amazing city you all have been talking about."

"It is pretty cool. Wanna go stargaze?" 

"Why not?" I took her hand and escorted her out of her room. I led her up the stairs, and opened a latch in the top of the warship. I got up first, then I helped her up. I quickly laid a mat down and we both sat down on it.

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