Chapter 7: I Couldn't Even Say Goodbye...

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A Few Days Later

Third POV

"So, we going to go hunt Bessie now?" Percy asked.

"No, Perseus. You still have to train more." Artemis snapped her fingers, and a basket of arrows appeared before Percy. "Now sharpen them. I'll be timing you. Go."

Percy grabbed his diamond file, a gift from Artemis to help him. He started sharpening an arrow, and then another, and then another. Arrow after arrow was sharpened, and each minute past by quickly. A while later, he finished.

"DONE!" He yelled.

Artemis looked up and yawned. "Good job. You beat your record by a few seconds, so you new score is an hour and 23 seconds." Her voice dripped with sarcasm, and she knew Percy knew it.

Percy frowned and really wanted for her to say, "It's a joke!" But she didn't, and Artemis wasn't known for her jokes, because she never joked around.

"Alright, now that you are done, come with me to train, and then you'll make dinner."

"Ok." He got up and followed her to an empty clearing.

She went to the far side, and he stayed at the other end. He got out Riptide, and she got out her bow and arrow. Percy positioned himself in a fighting stance, and waited for Artemis. When she didn't attack, he came at her. Artemis started firing and firing. Percy either dodged all of them, or he cut them. He widened his eyes at Artemis who now fired three arrows at a time, and did that twice in one tiny second. He was shocked, but he overcame it and started dodging more. When she started firing ten arrows per second, things got real serious. One caught him in the arm, and another in the shoulder. He grunted from the pain and looked up to see Artemis using her daggers to disarm them and another to aim at his neck.

"Perseus, do you yield?"


She smirked, and sheathed her daggers. "Stop fooling around. Also, why did you fake it Perseus?"

"Fake what?"

"When you fought Thalia and Willow, you didn't put up a fight. With the way I've seen you fight, you could have beaten them. So, Percy, why did you fake it?" A few second after Artemis said that, she was mad at herself. She didn't show she was shocked, though, not to give away what she just said.

Percy eyed her, and was about to respond when his facial expression turned into a smirk. "Did you me Percy?"

" you must've misheard. You're getting older Perseus."

"Yeah, right. Do you believe that yourself?"

"I, no! Shut up, Percy! I didn't call you Perseus, I mean, Percy."

"Yeah, you didn't call me Perseus, and you meant to call me Percy. Is that it?"

Artemis got out her dagger and grabbed her sharpening stone. She started sharpening it, and eyes Percy. "I suggest you leave before I..."

Percy's eyes widened and he ran for his life. "Spare meeeeeeeeee!" He yelled as Artemis followed in pursuit. He knew he couldn't outrun the goddess of hunting, but he still kept going. That is until get stuck in another rope trap.

"Well well well, looks like we have eyes on our prey. We'll be eating good, tonight." Artemis said, but clamped a hand over her mouth.

Percy blushed a deep red at the way she phrased that. "Uh..."

"You know what I m-mean Percy."

"Percy, huh?" He smirked, knowing that was a bad idea considering he was tied up.

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