Chapter 28: His Fate and His Death

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Months Later

Percy POV

I picked up the spoon and shoved into my mouth. The tasty flavor of cereal lifted me up as usual every morning.I had been here for a long time, Unknown helping all along the way. He's further helped me explore my connections, and I also brushed up on my other skills.  Now I knew were on an island, Blackjack and Mrs. O'Leary also stuck here too. The three have been great friends so far. 

I had figured out that Unknown was a ghost kind of, but could become solid when he wanted to. Of course I couldn't see his facial features or colors, but I could see an outline of his shape, as well as his body height, width, etc. The only thing is couldn't see was the color of his skin, or his more intricate details like if he had a pimple or something. But I don't have a pimple so I assume he doesn't, because he's a version of me in a way.

Walking up from the chair, I made my way into the outdoors, where the sun shone down on me. It was very easy to perceive light now, so if there was a shadow lurking around I would know immediately.

Walking across the soft sand, I felt every single thing on the island. I knew that there was a herd of deer grazing just 335 meters away. Or that the rainforest was actually very small. Or that the waves were currently at the low tide, which meant I could venture further into the cave below some rocks about half a mile away.  But  there was one thing that was mysterious. I was able to literally track every root into the ground, no matter how far away they were. Every single cave or tunnel, or every grain of dirt was easy to find. But I couldn't track one part of the island, way far off. Something powerful was over there, but I wasn't sure what it was. Unknown suggested I go today and check it out, because even he hasn't gone there.

I sensed a target nearby, and picked up a bow and a quiver of arrows. Taking an arrow and putting in the correct spot, I drew it back. I let go, and sensed it hit the target. I walked over and felt the target. It had the bullseye. 

"Nice," said Unknown behind me.

"I'm leaving now," I slung the bow and arrow over my shoulder, and got Riptide ready. It would be a quick trip, and I'd make sure to be back before the sun went down.

"Be careful," he said.

I waved goodbye and began my journey. Currently judging by the light and it's angle, the sun was just an hour or less away from the highest point in the sky, noon. So I had about seven of eight hours before the sun went down, which I'd say is pretty good. I walked away from the sand until I was on hard rock. Focusing on the earth, I made myself turn into rock. Yes, I can do that. I just become a mere presence in the earth, and travel forward. I don't have a body, but it's basically my soul just traveling through the ground. After practicing the ability I was able to move pretty fast, so I got there in no time. 

When I felt myself start to lose the connection with the earth I jumped out at once. If I lost my connection, I would stay stuck in it. But I had jumped out in time, so I got my body back. I knew this was the place where I couldn't feel the island, or even know what was there. I was totally blind here, and that was dangerous. 

The air smelled fine, and the ground was fine. But there was a large power signature here, making me unable to sense anything. I felt weird, because I was helpless. I could only rely on my sound at this point. I took a step, and then other one. For now, I was safe.

I continued to walk forward, the power erupting from this place getting slightly stronger. It was a bit worrying not knowing what I was going to face. But I had to do this for Unknown. 

Then something happened. my senses went completely wacky, like I couldn't even hear or see the light. Everything seemed Daly as I stepped closer and closer to the thing. There was light shining at me through one area and then one right below, when it was supposed to be a shadow. I heard sirens in one ear and bird chirps in the other. I inhaled and exhaled calmly, but that didn't help at all. It only got worse from there. A headache formed in my mind, one very, very annoying headache. I shook my head, but that only made it worse.  My legs felt numb, and my heartbeat slowed. 

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