Quick Research Page: Clearing Things Up

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Ok, just a little note thing and stuff. I figured I want to go all out on this story. So to "go all out", I did my research. More will be explained, the story of every important primordial, god, titan, etc. throughout the story as more is revealed. The reason I am making this page is because I do not want you all to be confused when I mention a name or someone in the story and you do not know who they are. This research comes from what is believed to be Ancient Greek itself, even though the stories are all muddy and you can't conclude much of it. After hours of figuring things out, finding parents, siblings, and consorts, this is what I found (I only researched the beings who were said to be there at the beginning of time):

This is my understanding of Greek mythology, and if you have your own then that is fine. Please understand that this is my research and the conclusion of it. Thank you.

BIG FATHER: Chronos- Chronos is the Father Time/Personification of Time, said to be self-formed, or self-created at the dawn of creation, time, whatever you want to call the beginning of everything. His children are Chaos, the Moirai, and Phanes. (He is NOT to be confused with Kronos/Cronos/Cronus-Titan of time and father of Zeus) Kairos is another word for time in Ancient Greek, and might be how I refer to Father Time. Gender: Male.

BIG MOTHER: Ananke- She is said to be Inevitability itself. She is the consort of Chronos, Father Time.  Her children with him are Chaos, the Moirai (the Fates), and Phanes, and is said to be the child of Chaos and self-created. (Since the three, Chronos, Ananke, and Chaos are the very first beings, it's like cycle. I like to think Chaos is Ananke's child, but you can think of it the other way around. But Chaos, Ananke, and Chronos are all self-created at the beginning of time.) Gender: Female.

Chaos- Chaos is self-formed, but since she (I have searched it up- she is a she) came after Chronos and Ananke, she is said to be one of their children, while also being Ananke's father. She is one of the first protogenoi, or earliest immortals, was the non-personified gap between Earth and Heaven, and is actually the Void itself, the abyss under Tartarus in which you find in other Percy Jackson stories. is children are: Gaea/Gaia, Tartarus, Erebus, Nyx, Ouranos, Pontos, Akhlys and Eros.  Gender: Female.

Phanes- Phanes is the primeval deity of procreation and generation of new life. He is said to have been created from the World Egg of Chronos, which was located in the gap between Heaven and Earth, or what was Chaos before Phanes came to be born. Chronos and Ananke circled the egg, and eventually broke it, causing Phanes to be the result. He is the first king of the universe. Phanes doesn't have any children, is the son of Chronos and Ananke, and brother of the Moirai and Chaos. Gender: Male.

Moirai- The Moirai are the Three Fates, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. Their father and mother are Chronos and Ananke, and siblings include Phanes and Chaos. Their symbols are the thread, dove, spindle, and scissors. They are the mother of the thread, and control everyone's lives, including gods, titans, primordials, all beings alike, known as the Goddesses of Fate. They do NOT have children. Gender: Female.

I just wanted to clear things up for you for these five particular deities. If I mention any other deity that isn't an Olympian, I will state their stories, names, domains, consort(s), children, and sibling(s) in the chapter.

A/N (Author's Note): This... isn't exactly an upload. Lol! Sorry to disappoint if you were looking for a chapter. This research page was solely for the use of your understanding. Otherwise, what's the story if the readers don't understand?! By the way, there is no "Order" in Greek Mythology. I continue to see that they make Order, Chaos's brother, and it bothers me a lot because some authors don't bother to find out whether it's real or not. I know stories here are supposed to be your creation, but when they say Order is Chaos's brother, they don't bother to actually say that Order is not real. It starts from one story to the next to the next until it's in half the Percy Jackson stories, and some assume that there is always an "Order" deity just because there is Chaos. Before I did my research, I actually thought Order was a real deity in Greek Myths! No one told me, not one author, that Order is fake. I'm sorry for arguing about this topic on my story and putting it out through a negative way, but I strongly feel as if authors should at least mention Order isn't real.  Thanks for listening to my rambling.

I hope you enjoyed learning more about Greek Myths from my research presented here, as it came from hours of looking at things muddled together, because they weren't ever written down which made it harder to have results for you all. The next update will be a chapter. 

I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter! Bye!✌

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